Monday, August 18, 2008

Tattoo Idea

Jeff and I had friends over tonight for the Summer Slam pay per view and we were talking a little bit about tattoos. Specifically, name tattoos. For example, one of the wrestlers, The Undertaker to be exact, used to have his wife's name tattooed on his NECK. Lately we've noticed it looks like he's getting it lasered off, so we're assuming that he and the wife are not getting along. Of course we then start talking about my tattoo idea of having my wedding date and Jeff's name put on my body. Verdict? Bad idea. BUT, I'm still not sold on it being a bad idea. I mean seriously, when am I going to meet Kane? Or Tom Keiffer from Cinderella? The answer is, never. And even if I DID meet one of them, I'm not really going to do anything. I'm all talk and no action basically! What do you guys think? I still like the Jeff/wedding date/red rose idea, but I'm open to constructive criticism. My only other idea for a tattoo would be a mermaid tattoo. And not a normal mermaid, I want her slightly chubby, and with no body parts showing. Maybe something along the lines of this:

She's too cute, right? Oh, and just for giggles, check out this picture:

This creeps me out. I mean, what in the WORLD is this person thinking? Scares me to death.

Anyway, what do you all think? If the name idea is a bad one, and my friends seem to think that it would almost FORCE me to have a torrid affair with Kane, but I still love the symbolism behind it. Make sure you leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!


Mary said...

Are you planning to put this tattoo in a visible spot? Just keep in mind that if you go back to work in a corporate environment, sometimes a company (especially a conservative one) frowns on the visible ink markings.

Katharine said...

Definitely my ankle - that way I can wear tights or slacks while at work and won't have to worry about it showing. I know they make concealer for things like that, but that would be a pain in the butt to do everyday. Ankle definitely!