Thursday, August 14, 2008


I know what you are all thinking - Why Katharine, your breakfast is a complete and nutritious meal. Why don't you have a Milky Way for breakfast every morning? Well people, I don't know why I don't have a Milky Way for breakfast every morning. But today, oh let me tell you about today. I'm here at work, a place that I'll call *cough* ...ments.. *cough* and the proverbial shit has hit the fan. One therapist can't come in tonight and she's already booked with four clients! FOUR! I only have ONE person who could conceivably cover for her, so if this person can't come in, we're screwed. That means I have to call all these clients and reschedule them. People do NOT like to be rescheduled. Not at all. AND I apparently made an error when booking a client and she was PISSED that she didn't get the price I quoted. To be fair, it looks like a computer glitch, so I had to listen to a voicemail from her venting her displeasure. Ugh. AND.. here's the biggest whine of all - I still have surgical glue holding my neck closed, and the glue has turned this weird gray color. Basically it's like I have gray magic marker scrawled all over my neck like some sort of autopsy marking. It makes my scar look 100 times worse! I'm telling you, I don't know why I got out of bed today.


Mary said...

And it was only 8:30 A.M. when you posted this!!

I think today would be a good day to have a glass of wine and a handful of cookies for lunch. ;-)

Katharine said...

And I can't have wine!! They've got my on like 4 different medications from my surgery and alcohol is a BIG no no. No wine! No margaritas! No martinis. Shoot me Mary, really, you'd be doing me a favor.

Karen said...

i caved and had a beer during my pub lunch, to wash down the stilton bacon burger.... It was that or sasauge sandwich or steak and ale pie... i would say all of the above was just as healthy as a milky way...