Monday, August 11, 2008

Short Story Part 2

So people, here's what I've got for part two of my short story. I've got a little written after this but I'm kind of a stuck point. Suggestions are welcome!

15 stories down in the parking garage, Thomas was making his last round for the evening. He’d toured all three levels of the empty space, lone cars staggered throughout the darkness, echoes off the cement walls as he walked. The building was now officially locked for the holiday weekend and Thomas didn’t expect to see another soul until Sam, his boss, came to relieve him the day after Christmas. Opening the glass door to the Parking Garage Office, he clicked on the security cameras, making sure each one was functioning properly before falling into his chair and sliding his feet onto the desk. Reaching over he turned on the tiny portable television, flipping through channels until he came to ESPN. Stretching in his chair he grabbed the still cold bottle of beer he’d opened earlier and easily drained its contents, pausing only to make some notations in the security log. He still didn’t understand just why an empty building needed security detail, but since he was going to be making overtime pay for the entire time he was here, he figured his wasn’t going to question it. Let’s face it, he didn’t really have anything better to do over the Christmas season. He had a duffle bag filled with spare clothes and underwear, a small bathroom and shower in the back of his office, and a beat-up old sofa that folded out into a bed. Along with plenty of beer and food, he figured that his stack of books and the tiny TV would help get him through the long days. Regardless, it was going to be another long and lonely holiday.

Back upstairs, Gwendolyn pressed the elevator button for the third time and waited. It was after 8pm and minutes earlier she’d finished her data project and was now anxious to get the hell out of work. Tapping her foot impatiently she pulled her long red curls into an elastic, deftly securing her hair under her knit hat. A long cashmere scarf wrapped around her neck, and she was buttoning her black wool jacket. Still no elevator. Gwendolyn started to push the button yet again when she realized that the building has been shut down and locked hours earlier. Bastard! She cursed under her breath. Mr. Edelman’s bullshit project had kept her too long past closing and now the elevators were shut off. She’d have to walk down the fifteen flights of stairs to get to her car and pray that she could still get out. Of course she was wearing her brand new Miu Miu’s, a reward she’d gotten herself for Christmas after months of drooling over the red suede heels in the window of Nordstrom’s. Stepping into the walkway, she started downstairs.

Thirty minutes later she was at her car and throwing her purse into the backseat. Falling into the front seat she slammed the door shut behind her. Turning her key into the ignition, she was greeting by the sound of grinding gears, and then dead silence. No, she thought. Please no. She turned the key again, nothing. Not a peep. “Dammit” she screamed as she pounded on her steering wheel. Throwing open her door she slid out of her seat. Turning she slammed her door three times as she screamed wordlessly. The faint noise of a shoe scraping across concrete caused her to jump and spin around, arms outstretched for protection.

Stepping out of the darkness was Thomas, the hunky new parking garage attendant that Gwendolyn and her co-worker, Diana, drooled over on a daily basis. Thomas had black hair that hung over his ice blue eyes, broad shoulders and a muscular physique that left Gwendolyn swooning each time their paths crossed. She sagged against her car in relief, her heart still thumping in alarm.

“Sorry Ma’am, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just thought you could use a hand”.

Thomas smiled slowly at Gwendolyn, and he neglected to mention that he had dropped his beer in his haste to get to her side. The beguiling redhead had been the unknowing star of many personal fantasies since the moment he’d laid eyes on her. With her sparkling green eyes and long curls, not to mention an hourglass figure that kept him up at night, Thomas had been smitten before he even learned her name. Over the past three months he’d made it his business to find out everything about her by casually grilling Gwendolyn’s talkative co-worker, Diana. He knew that Gwendolyn was 31, single, and lived alone with not even a cat to keep her company. He also knew that she had turned down the advances of the odious Mr. Edelman, her boss, and that she was on the short list to be let go because of it. While Thomas hadn’t seen the incident in question, he had heard the play by play of the event from Diana.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Keep writing and I want an autographed copy when you get this thing published!!! (o: