Monday, August 25, 2008

Horrible Sense of Humor

I think I have the sense of humor of a twelve year old. I can crack myself up like no ones' business - and I am particularly good at something I like to call "the church giggles". That's laughing during a time when its completely inappropriate to laugh and you just can't help yourself. You know, like during a staff meeting at work, or perhaps during a recital at Symphony Hall where your sister is performing. Anyway, sometimes Jeff is the target of my humor and I am particularly fond of bothering him while he's at work by using the amazing creation of gmail chat. I'm paraphrasing a conversation we had recently, and I was attempting to flirt with Jeff via chat, and apparently failing miserably at it.

Jeff: I'm going to put the turkey in the oven in a few minutes.
Katharine: Is the turkey hot?
Katharine: super hot?
Katharine: hot like you are?
Jeff: no
Jeff: it's cold
Katharine: maybe you could warm it up a little bit
Katharine: HOT TURKEY
Jeff: it's cold
Jeff: very cold, frozen
Jeff: I'll be making a salad too for later
Katharine: Is the salad good or BAD?
Katharine: BAD SALAD
Jeff: dear god
Katharine: Is the salad naughty?
Jeff: I'm not talking to you when you're like this
Katharine: Is the salad fresh? Does it need a time out?
Katharine: NAUGHTY SALAD!!!!

The conversation goes on from there and just really gets worse and worse with Jeff ignoring me as I continue to get more and more ridiculous. At one point I was laughing so hard I had to put my head down on my desk. Hey, don't they say you should try and keep your marriage fresh and fun? That's what I'm trying to do! Jeff says it's just annoying. What do you think?

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

Only Katharine would try to make dinner sound dirty when I'm exhausted.