Monday, September 15, 2008

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise

I blame Jeff for my obsession with Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise. I can, and have, played it for hours at a time. My favorite pinata? My little crabby pinatas called "Custaceans". You can name them, dress them up, and you basically run around your little garden trying desperately to keep them happy. But they're so cute I can't help myself. Take a look:

Cute, right? And when you make them happy they do a little happy dance for you! And BONUS, I got to name one "Sebastian" which is my most favorite name ever and Jeff hates. He hates the name "Sebastian" so much and I just love it, it just screams "English Gentry" to me and I love it. So since Jeff hates it and has striked it off our "Who knows if we'll ever have kids list", than I can at least name my virtual crab "Sebastian", and I did.

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