Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Least Favorite Interview Question

I hate this interview question.

"Where do you see yourself in five year"?

Hate it, hate it, because I never know what to say and feel like I am always spouting some bullshit answer like "I want to be with the same company, growing and expanding on my knowledge and responsibility within that organization." Or something along those lines. What I *really* want to say is any of the following:

"A lottery winner who sits at home eating Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream all day long"

"Dear God I plan on being anywhere but at this crappy administrative job".

"I plan on staying here until another company offers me more money and then I'm leaving faster than you can say 'resignation letter'".

"Decorating my summer home in Hawaii with Juan the pool boy".

I just feel like its such a lousy question, and considering all the job hopping that a lot of my generation does, not a good example of a persons' potential within the company they are interviewing at. But then, I'm a little burned out with job hunting already so it could just be me having a cranky day!


Mary said...

No, it's not you. This is yet another example of poor interviewing. It's a question that should only be asked of new graduates, not an established professional. The interviewer probably read a book on interviewing, or an ages-old article, and trotted out the standard list of questions.

I have a few years on you and when *I* get asked this question, it's all I can do to keep a straight face. I want to say, "Are you KIDDING me??!" But I love your answer about decorating your Hawaii house with Juan, the pool boy.

When we get together next week, we can trade some interview horror stories!

Crankipantz said...

We never ask that question when we interview...we ask cool questions.