Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seriously messed up Gmail advertising

I really think my Gmail advertising is messed up. If it isn't first telling me how I need a colon cleansing, it's giving me recipe ideas such as this:

Spam Imperial Tortilla Sandwiches - To serve, cut each roll in half
Curious? Here's the recipe

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 cn SPAM Luncheon Meat (12 oz)
1 pk Cream cheese, softened (8oz)
1/3 c Chopped green onion
2 tb Chopped fresh dill
3 Flour tortillas (8")
1 md Cucumber, peeled and thinly
1/4 c Sunflower seeds
1/2 c Alfalfa sprouts

In bowl, combine SPAM and cream cheese. Stir in green onion and dill.
Spread 1/3 of SPAM mixture evenly over each tortilla. Top with 1/3
each cucumber, sunflower seeds, and alfalfa sprouts. Roll up tortilla
jelly roll fashion and wrap in plastic wrap. Repeat with remaining
tortillas. Refrigerate 2 hours. to serve, cut each roll in half.

Now I'm certainly no chef, but this just doesn't sound appetizing AT ALL. Spam in tortilla form??? No thank you Gmail, I'd rather sit down to a dinner of saltines and peanut butter than bite into that.


Crankipantz said...

Has anyone tried to make this yet? You know you want to...

Anonymous said...

That is just disturbing. We should make that one night when we rent the descent 2

Anonymous said...

Everytime I check my Spam folder in gmail, it gives me a new spam recipe to link to. You're brave for even clicking on it, the titles are so disgusting to me I don't even bother.