Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Book Ideas

So I haven't posted a part three in my book idea because I've been kind of disenchanted with my characters. I've started and stopped about four other short stories, and also started a "young adult" book since I was completely inspired by the millions that the "Twilight" series is raking in. Hell, if there's money to be made writing a bad young adult book, than I should be making it. I don't have an English degree for nothing people! But I'm feeling kind of blah about it, I think just because I'm job hunting and that's sucking all my spare energy, not to mention the whole in and out of the hospital game that marked my summer. Oh, and the fact that every freakin' day there's another spider running around our house in some sort of weird parody of the movie "Arachnophobia". Before I post part three, let me know what you think, do my lovely readers care enough about Gwendolyn and Thomas to see what happens when the power goes out? Should I scrap them and rewrite another story? Send me some inspiration people, I need it desperately!

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

go for the young adult series over 5 parts...but when you do, consider that each part should acurately reflect what the actors and actresses ages will be when they get made into a movie every 2-3 years.