Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Movie Night

Went to see Wall-E with my father and Jeff this past weekend, and I LOVED it! Loved it, Loved it, Loved it! The first half of the movie is odd for a movie, no dialogue. And I think that's where the movie lost Jeff - but it totally worked for me. Wall-E and his pet cockroach, his love of all the items he finds, and his romance with the new robot "EVE" is just so cute. I absolutely loved it. The romance storyline was just too sweet, and the ending started to make me bawl like a baby. If you haven't see Wall-E you definitely should! Both my father and I enjoyed it, and even though Jeff nodded off in parts you really shouldn't go by his opinion! After all, its only my opinion that counts! ;-)

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

I actually liked most of the movie...and I only nodded off after about a half an hour to 40 minutes of silent movie. That's not to say that the silent part was bad...it just didn't hold my attention until the action picked up. From a filmmaking perspective, I thought it was well done and I'm sure I'll watch it again when Katharine buys it.