Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bad/Cranky Moods

The worst part about being in a bad/cranky mood for absolutely no reason is that I can't seem to get OUT of it. These past few weeks I have been pretty miserable, not sure if its a combination of the raging out of control hormones that are racing through my system due to Graves' or maybe the fact that I can be a complete pain in the ass at times - but I've been pretty snappy lately. And by "pretty snappy" I mean a raging, out of control lunatic. Here's a typical conversation between Jeff and I in the car, probably running some sort of errand:

Jeff: Can you come into the store with me, I need some help.
Katharine: Why? I don't WANT to go into the store, I want to stay right here.
Jeff: I need your help, can you please come into the store with me?
Katharine: *insert BIG, dramatic, long, drawn out sigh* Fine
Jeff: Forget it, I'll go do it myself

Now here's where we squabble for about 10 minutes about my attitude and I retort with something completely logical like "I'm just tired". Now, I'm not REALLY tired, I'm just feeling cranky and moody and Jeff happens to be the closest person to me. He also loves me, and hence my completely illogical need to vent all over him.

Why is this? Does anyone else act like this? And if so, how do you STOP it? I mean, once I get in this mood *anything* can annoy me. Seriously, the act of Jeff just BREATHING next to me is just more frosting on my big old angry cake. Help me out here ladies before Jeff finally loses it and buries me in the back yard while listening to the classic GnR tune "I Used To Love Her".


Anonymous said...

hey Miss Crankie!
Well, it's not just you, that's for sure. We women are just so much more, ahem.... "complicated" than men are. Off course "complicated" sounds a lot better than "twisted" or "convoluted" or even "painfully unpredictable"???? LOL, I feel your pain, girl! I'm like that a lot. Probably hormones....

Mr Darcy said...

Hormones, bah!

Did Laura Ingalls ever tell Pa that she just didn't want to help out? Did Anne Shirley ever tell Marilla that she didn't feel like doing chores? Did my daughter every give me a hard time about helping around the house?

Well, two out of three is pretty good.

Crankipantz said...

Thankfully I've learned to just tell her that she's being cranktastic...I tend to not beat around the bush. Katharine was being polite when she described that conversation...it goes more like this:

J: We need to move your car because I have to get out first tomorrow.

K: Let's do it tomorrow

J: Or we can take 2 1/2 minutes to do it now so I don't have to wait for you to wake up in the morning.

K: I just sat down...

J: Yeah...and I just got home. Let's just get it done.

K: Fine...even though I don't feel like it.

And it goes on and on...until, like she said, I remind her that she's being cranky, which makes her more cranky, and then I tell her how I just won't tell her when she's being cranky anymore (which is a lie)...and 10 minutes later it's over. That's my side of it anyway.