Sunday, June 6, 2010

Distrust of anything after midnight

Let's face it, anything after midnight is NOT GOOD. Wait? Do you need more? Let me explain. Anything that happens after midnight is usually NOT GOOD. Midnight and after is kind of the witching hour so to speak. If you're awake it's most likely not on purpose and you're engaged in some insomnia-related activity such as staring at the clock and counting how many hours you have until you have to wake up the next morning, watching QVC, or tossing and turning as your mind plays some odd loop in your head over and over again no matter what you do. If you're out and about, anything after midnight is NOT GOOD because that usually means you've been drinking. And if you've been drinking, after midnight is about the time where you perhaps have DRUNK TOO MUCH. This is the point in time when you judgement becomes, well, murky. You THINK you still look amazing - until you happen to glance at yourself in the mirror and notice you have sweated off all your make-up and look perhaps... NOT GOOD. This is also a bad time to maybe say... meet somebody. Your judgement, as I stated before, is murky at best, and you are not really looking at this potential partner with the best eyes. Once again, NOT GOOD. And if you are instead awake after midnight because your child is sick, crying, hates you and wants you and daddy to die a slow and miserable death - well this is also NOT GOOD. This is the time of night when you and your significant other will fight over something as small as what kind of diapers to buy, to something as serious as budget concerns. This is NOT THE TIME to have ANY sort of discussion, no matter how small or how big. I can pretty much guarantee that you and your significant other will NOT AGREE. Not only will you NOT AGREE with each other, you will soooooooo NOT AGREE with each other that you will perhaps have a DISCUSSION. This is NOT GOOD! So really, anything that takes place after midnight is not to be trusted. Little tidbit from me to you!

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

When I'm out after midnight, it's usually pretty good and I totally think I look (and sound) pretty damn good, but I'll agree with everything else.
