Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Conversation with Nathan

No, No Nathan. See, if you are crying and wiggling and screaming your little head off I CANNOT change your diaper. And since the whole process of changing your diaper, primarily the LYING YOU DOWN ON THE CHANGING PAD has suddenly become a big no no for you - you would think that you would want the process to go smoothly. And quickly. Especially since it seems to make you soooo incredibly unhappy. But mommy can NOT change your diaper quickly if you are wriggling like a ferret on crack. And if you happen to add SCREAMING to your repertoire, well, the whole changing the diaper thing takes a lot longer than it really should. See how mommy is constantly trying to distract you during the process with singing and toys? And see how she struggles to get you all cleaned up because you keep trying to flip over? Well that is NOT helping mommy. And while you may think that mommy is Wonder Woman (and I freely admit that she just might be), she is not able to get a new diaper on your bum in a timely manner if you are doing any of the above. So work WITH mommy, okay??? Soon you'll be back on the floor playing your favorite game - "rip the covers off mommy's favorite and treasured books".

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

I meant to ask you...how did Nathan get a hold of your precious book so he could tear the cover off? What's that? I'm sorry...I think I misunderstood. It sounded like you said you GAVE IT TO HIM.
