Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Love/Hate Relationship with Lottery Tickets

Jeff and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on September 8th. I got Jeff just a few things since we're still trying to watch our pennies. I got him the following:
A Card
Two bags of jellybeans
4 scratch tickets ($5 each so a total of $20).

See, Jeff buys scratch tickets from time to time, and he will even occasionally buy a lottery ticket if he remembers to. Me? I'm not a big fan of the lottery. I kind of feel like it's a waste of money and that if I was going to buy lottery tickets I would be better off putting that money in a savings account. Of course I watch things like "The Lottery Changed my Life" and I want to run out and buy tickets because of course I fantasize about WINNING the lottery. But I almost always regret the purchase. I mean, if I DO win, it's like a dollar. And poor Jeff? The tickets I got him were complete losers. And I'm slightly annoyed I spent the $20 on the tickets and perhaps I should have got him a gift card to like Starbucks or something. At least than I wouldn't feel like I had thrown money down the drain.

What do you guys think? Do you play the lottery? If so, do you play often?

1 comment:

Mary said...

I buy a lottery ticket MAYBE three times a year. I, too, think it's money down the drain. If I spend money, I want to either eat it, wear it, or do it! Most times when I do buy a lottery ticket, I forget to check the number so am walking around with the ticket for days afterward. If I buy a scratch ticket (and I've stood in back of people dropping 50 and 70 bucks at a time on SCRATCH TICKETS!!!), of course I scratch it immediately, but most times if I win it's a dollar or two. So yeah, I share your opinion.