Thursday, January 8, 2009

Love for

Has anyone else been on If you haven't, holy crap is it an amazing site. You can waste hours upon hours of time surfing different people's creations and its just endlessly entertaining. And I want a LOT of stuff. A lot.

For example, I want the following items:
This bracelet by MarcusBerknerJewelry

This bracelet by CastalianDesigns

This necklace by SimpleLifeDesigns

This necklace by Damselle

And because I have not forgotten Baby, I want this by citefuzz

I suggest you all check out Etsy and check back with me four hours later because that's how long you'll be browsing all the different possibilities!!! You can thank me later!

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

Wait...all that jewelry stuff is nice and all, but if that's a wool hat for baby, it's not happening. I will break out in a rash everytime I put it on his/her little giant baby head. And if he/she is lucky, it will have my alergy to wool.