Thursday, December 11, 2008

Three Jobs

Jeff and I were talking about finances and budgets - thoughts that have been consuming us what with the whole baby coming thing and I am trying to figure out how much longer I can keep working 6 days a week without snapping. The goal is to keep it up through January for the extra moolah, but everytime I mention I have three jobs there are questions. So here they are:

Monday - Thursday
Working at a Pediatric dental office in Lexington from about 7:15am until 5pm. It's my full time job and I gotta tell you, it's a soap opera every day. I had no idea that dental offices had so much drama. Insane.

Work at HomeInstead Senior Care (this is my favorite job right now) as the Recruiting Assistant. It's from 9:00am to 2:30pm.

Saturday is my day off.

Sunday I work at Elements at Woburn as a massage therapist from 10:00am until 3pm.

Those are the jobs. They're not TOO bad, and I have to say that one of the reasons I'm staying at Homeinstead is that I love it so much. The office is tiny, but the people are so nice and very encouraging and understanding and willing to work with you. ALSO.. it would be right next door to the Melrose YMCA which is one of the places we are looking into for daycare.

I'm thinking though that massage I'll only realistically be able to do for a few months longer, but I hate the idea of giving it up. I love getting the extra money and giving that up will stink. Though I confess having a full weekend to myself will be a wonderful thing!

Meanwhile this weekend I'm going to the Wrentham Outlets and there are actually baby shops that I'm going to go into and look for me. Me!!! I know, freaky!!! If I do buy something I'll be sure to share it!

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

We have to go shopping for baby stuff. It's my second favorite thing to shop off - after handbags of course :-)