Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I have my 6 week check up tomorrow at my doctor's, and I am dreading one specific part.

The scale. (insert dramatic music)

Now I know, its incredibly boring to read a blog whining about fat, but I really want to whine! I mean... my BELLY... GAH! I know it's not helping that my ice cream addiction that I fine tuned so wonderfully during third trimester is kicking my ass in the sense that I am NOT LOSING ANY WEIGHT. And of course I can't work out because everytime I go to put in one of my DVD's my baby screams his little head off. It's like he KNOWS his mommy is attempting some "me time" and he is NOT HAVING IT. He is NOT HAVING IT AT ALL!

I guess the only thing I can really do is make sure Jeff continues to gain weight right along with me, fair is fair, right???

1 comment:

Hope said...

I'll do my part to encourage Jeff to eat cupcakes at work. ;)