Monday, May 4, 2009

By Popular Demand

Here I am at 32 weeks pregnant. Jeff was kind enough to take multiple pictures of me before I finally settled on one that didn't make me want to scream. :-)


Mary said...

It was so great to see you yesterday and you look wonderful! Stop beating on yourself! Remember: and this too, shall pass.

Dawn said...

I was right. You look gorgeous!!!

Mr Darcy said...

Now you don't have to believe me - or dismiss me with "you have to say that." Believe your totally unbiased friends when they tell you how good you look.

And you're supposed to be uncomfortable. Otherwise, what would you have to say to Nathan when he provokes you beyond measure?

Speaking of which, I can hardly wait to hear the next generation's version of Izzy. I'm already planning the witty observations.

Anonymous said...

You've always been such a beauty. Maybe one of these days you'll realize that.

Anyhow, just think that the more uncomfortable you get at this point probably is in direct relation to having Nathan out of you sooner. You're in the final stretch now!