Monday, October 12, 2009


Jeff has been watching this show called "Flash Forward" where the whole world passes out at the same time and has visions of the future. It got me thinking - if I had a chance to look into the future, would I? I think knowing the future can be scary... too scary. Like, if you see something bad would you bring about that very same bad thing as you try to prevent it? Or do you bring about that bad thing because you think the future is a done deal and you can't prevent it? I think the whole fortune-telling/know your future scenario is never a good thing. Unless of course we're talking about knowing the next pick for the Mega Millions, than I'd LOVE to know the future. I'd be ALL ABOUT knowing the future.

So what do you all think? If you COULD know the future, would you take that opportunity to see it?

Oh, and a quick update. Day two after making my "no eating out post" and I'm hanging in there! It means I had cereal last night for dinner, and Stouffer's chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night, I don't know what we're having, but hopefully it won't be take out!!!

1 comment:

Bowman Family said...

We had grilled cheese and soup the other night. On cool nights that seems to be what we eat. Regarding the future I don't think I want to know. Yes their are things you want to change in your past but that is what makes us. Though I would like the lottery numbers.