Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day Off

It was a busy weekend here in the Weiner household. On Friday I wasn't home from the moment I woke up to go to work around 9am until that night - well after 11pm. On Saturday it was pretty much the same thing so I was looking forward to doing nothing on Sunday. It sounded so blissful. I slept in (a little, since sleeping for me is just HARD now and I can never get and stay comfortable for long) and woke up, showered, and started laundry. From 10am until 6pm I washed and put away laundry, alternating with my Facebook addiction and my addiction to pretend shopping. You know, the Internet shopping where you fill up your cart with everything and anything under the sun just to see how much it would all cost and then empty it and move on the next site. No? Is it just me??? Anyway, that's all I did aside from a quick drive to the grocery store for milk and cereal and the lovely ambiance of someones child SCREAMING the entire time I was in the store. I heard this little girl screech from one end of the store to other and while I was impressed with her lung capacity, it was not conductive to a leisurely stroll of the aisles. I grabbed what I needed and was out the door FAST!

Now after all my complaining about how I just wanted to relax on Sunday... come 7pm I was bored. Bored with a capital B!!! So bored. And slightly cranky. As a result Jeff and I went to good ol Target and browsed storage containers, beauty products (for me) and DVD's (for Jeff). We just got home about 20 minute ago. So I ask you, is anyone else like this? Really looking forward to a day at home and then winding up bored out of their skull??? Is it just me??? Let me know because I do this a LOT and if its a personality quirk it might just be something I should work on!!


Roxanne said...

You know, the Internet shopping where you fill up your cart with everything and anything under the sun just to see how much it would all cost and then empty it and move on the next site. No? Is it just me???

I've totally been doing that all evening!

Hope said...

Totally! You're like, I'm so effing TIRED and I just want to sit around and do nothing. And then, six hours later, you just feel gross and lame. And you're like, where did those six hours go?