Sunday, March 22, 2009

being oh so tired

I do really and truly wish that the tired feeling I've got would go away. I am so, so tired. So tired all the time and I'm tired of SAYING that I am tired! It's boring.. I've got no other symptoms really other than being exhausted. I think the problem lies in the fact that at night I do a lot of tossing and turning. Now, the tossing and turning is nothing new. As a long practicing insomniac I am sooo used to the tossing and turning. It's the fact that I can't STAY comfortable for the whole night that is new. It used to be that once I was asleep.. that was it. I was out till morning. Not so now. I'll be comfortable on one side for a few hours and wake up with a deep pain in my hip, now I need to turn over. And turning over is more of a process at this point.. it means moving my body pillow and repositioning it, it means waking Jeff up as I try and reposition myself. Remember, we share a full size bed so we're pretty darn close to each other, and now that I have a body pillow, there is NO extra space. So Jeff is up with me. This process repeats about three times during the night and is oh so not fun. It doesn't seem to matter WHAT time I go to bed.. it's not going to be a restful night regardless.

Oh, and I've just finished washing our baby boy's clothing and I've come to the conclusion he already has more clothes than Jeff and I put together!!!

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