Monday, March 23, 2009

Bloody Nose

Wait, you didn't want to hear about my bloody nose? Too bad! Here comes the story!

Now, I am NOT prone to bloody noses but I guess one of the side effects of pregnancy is bloody noses. I certainly had NO idea this would be possible, but it is. The first time I got one Jeff and I were having a "discussion" about money. It was a very EMOTIONAL discussion and I felt my nose... drip. Thinking I just had a runny nose I reached for a tissue oh so casually and saw that Jeff had a look of complete and utter horror on his face. He RACED across the room had me sit down, head between the legs, everything. He even called my doctor and tried to casually ask if this was common. The nurse was very sweet and told him, yes, some women do get this when pregnant and not to worry about it. Well, NOTHING ends an argument quicker than blood dripping out of your nose!!! Very effective as a fighting technique, but not something I'd really like to repeat.

Fast forward to today. I'm at work, about 7:30am and booting up my computer and getting ready for our morning meeting. I feel my nose drip and reach for a tissue. Yes, you guessed it. Bloody nose. AT WORK!! So I'm at work trying DESPERATELY to discreetly clean myself up, but anytime I pull my tissue away to asses what's going on.. more blood just flows out. About 5 minutes later I looked like I was a victim in a slasher film. Blood on my sweater, blood on my pants.. it was awful. Need I remind everyone I work at the front desk at a PEDIATRIC DENTAL OFFICE! Now I cannot, cannot, sit out there and welcome small children and parents to the office when I'm covered in BLOOD! I head to the back room where everyone has advice and is being oh so sweet. For about an hour I try and stop the blood but it is just not clotting. I give up, tell my boss I should probably go home, and here I am. It FINALLY stopped, but the experience of driving home with a tissue rammed up each nostril is not one I care to repeat anytime soon.

Now I ask, why oh why does nobody TELL you these things?? I think it's a whole conspiracy thing to keep women uninformed. I'm here at home, feet up, lots of liquid to replace what I, er, leaked... and am so irritated I had to use a vacation day for a BLOODY NOSE! Gah... this better be the last one I get at work!!!!!


Dawn said...

Hey, didn't Jeff yell at me for a semi-negative post? Didn't you say you didn't want to know the bad stuff? (o: I only got nose bleeds from one of my four pregnancies. I did have a stuffy nose for months with each, with no cold, which is supposed to be a common thing too.

Don't worry, it will all be over soon enough. Hang in there. The end result is a great reward for your suffering. (o:

Mary said...

Good God, I have never heard of half of these pregnancy-related things. It IS a conspiracy to keep this from women until it's too late!!

Crankipantz said...

Who yelled? Not me. When I yell, I write in ALL CAPS. :-D But it's true. People don't tell you those things because you don't really want to know. It might have never happened to you and why worry about something that might never happen? OK, so this time, it did happen. Where am I going with this again?