Tuesday, January 26, 2010

$400 payment to American Express

Today I made a $400 payment to American Express and a $5 deposit to my ING Savings Account. My normal Amex payment is $300, but I got a little bonus at work so I put a little extra into my Amex payment. I'll make another Savings deposit, but I took advantage of my bonus to splurge on the following:
Amazon.com - I got books for myself and Nathan. And I got some toddler sized bowls and toddler spoons for Nathan. Do I need to note that I got Nathan new books, but my books I got used? Hey, had to save a LITTLE money where I could!

Avon.com - yup, I splurged and got some nice smelling lotions and a night cream for my face. Hey - some of it was on sale, so I definitely bargain shopped there as well!

I may also buy myself a sweater, but we'll see!!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks again for the Avon order!