Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well it was NOT fun. It started with me feeling kind of sick.. you know, like you are REALLY REALLY hungry and your blood sugar has dropped a million levels. I ate some cereal and it didn't stop. In fact, that feeling immediately switched to "Are you KIDDING ME?? You wanted to eat FOOD? What are you, INSANE"? And next thing I know I'm in the bathroom for the next 4 hours. A stomach bug had hit full force... Right in time for Christmas!! As a result we didn't go to see any family, we didn't have yummy food and I opened lovely and thoughtful presents from my husband in between bouts of losing whatever happened to be in my stomach. Which was not a lot.

I also did not get to cuddle or kiss my baby AT ALL since I was scared to death of passing this along to him. Instead I alternated between sleeping and being in the bathroom pretty much all day. The next day I felt weak and sick, but better. I kept down some dry toast. And thank God for this because the stomach bug had moved from me to Jeff and he was down for the count. Jeff, trying to be the considerate husband and father slept on our sofa that night, and boy what a mistake that was. He woke up in PAIN and feeling like he'd been run over. I took Nathan out for a little post-Christmas shopping at Target and came home to run our sheets and towels through the laundry. I also reconfigured our closet to hold the multitude of toys and clothing that Nathan now owns. Did I mention that Nathan goes through clothes like tissues?? I swear once a month I do purge of his bureau and start to move the "too big" clothes that are hanging neatly in the closet into the bureau and the clothes that he's outgrown into large rubbermaid bins. Clothes that he's never worn go into the donation box which is growing by leaps and bounds!

So today, I'm still feeling weak and tired, not completely like myself, and Jeff has managed to keep down some toast and jam (a small miracle all things considered). But it was definitely not the "Baby's First Christmas" I had planned. :-(


Roxanne said...

Well that just sucks.

Mary said...

I think you should have a do-over. Don't forget that there are 12 days of Christmas. Have your own celebration maybe on New Year's Day when you're both feeling better??