Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Shopping for now

So my friends, for Christmas shopping this year, where have you spent the most money? For me, it's I've been getting some pretty great deals on and I've even found promotional codes for that site - something that I never thought I would find, and I've USED THEM! By scouring the web and looking at tons of gifts ideas and deals I've really made use of my dollars this year, and made use of the internet. In fact, I've used the internet so much I can't even imagine what my life was without it! Remember when there was NO INTERNET?? When we would pick up the phone and call someone? Or put pen to paper and write a letter? A REAL letter that got sent through the mail with stamps and an envelope. It just blows my mind how acclimated we all are with the internet and shopping and reconnecting with friends and reading stories, I just love it! Anyway, where have you all spent the most money on presents to date? is it for me, but if we're talking clothes for me - Old Navy. It's all about the most bang for my buck!!

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