Friday, November 13, 2009

Amazing Growing Baby

Holy Crap Nathan is outgrowing his clothes AGAIN! Now I know why my neighbor gets her kids clothing at yard sales and the such.... I cannot believe the rate that Nahan is growing. He's almomst 5 months old and he's wearing 6 months plus clothing. Today he wore 6-9 month sized clothing and was fine. The clothing was a LITTLE big.. but not too much so. Thank God I have a coupon for Carter's, I'm going to have to head on over there tomorrow and see if I can find any deals.

Oh, and HOW in the world does Nathan know when I've put him in something particularly cute and he should perhaps choose that very moment to spit up all over himself??? It's got to be more than coincidence that as soon as he's dressed in something particularly adorable that he takes that moment to upchuck over everything.

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