Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 2 with Coach to 5k

Wow that was hard. I did the same routine as day 1 and it was kind of hard counting the time in my head. I'm sure I wasn't exact, but at least I did it. It was hard, hard to do the jogging and the walking and I had to force myself to even get off the sofa to go in the first place. But I did it. Go me!! I don't like working out, I hate it. But I do feel better when I am active so I'm trying to make a point to do this. My question is this - I always read about these great workout endorphins people get from working out. I never get this. Ever. I always hate it, I always go at it too hard at first and quit after a month or so. Does anyone EVER get the "runners' high"? Anyone? Anyone at all??


Roxanne said...

I didn't get the runners high until I was about half way through the program. And even then it wouldn't kick in until I was about half way through that day's run. Speaking of which, I have to get my butt off the couch and run. On days I work from home, I like to be at my desk working by 8:30. I'm moving a little slower this morning :-).

Good for you - keep up the good work!

Hope said...

I get that runner's high... and now I'm jonesing like an addict while I get my foot healed up.