Sunday, June 14, 2009

trip to Market Basket

Jeff and I headed off to Market Basket for our groceries. We had a list, but forgot out calculator. Ah well. The goal is no eating out this week and we made sure to get plenty of fruit and other snacky type foods for cravings. I also got Turkey Hill Chocolate Marshmallow ice cream - which by the way is YUMMY. But I have to say this - the aisles and lay out of Market Basket is so bizarre. I saw Pet Food and Automotive Parts in one aisle, and Juice and Beans in another aisle. So strange. I just wonder if they run out of room for things and place items wherever they want, or if there's some logic behind it that I can't see. Thoughts? Anyone?

1 comment:

Mary said...

Are you talking about the one in Reading? That place is laid out bizarrely, and it's exactly opposite of all the other Market Baskets. For example, in every MB I've been to, you know that the dairy starts on the right. In Reading, it's on the left. Weird. And it's always insanely, crazy busy in there!