Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First 2 Days Spending Nothing

And I've discovered that there's nothing like being told you CAN'T do something to make you want to do that very thing OH SO BADLY. In that regard I am apparently much like a young child who is constantly wanting to do what they know they shouldn't. I did, however, prevail and I finished Monday and Tuesday with not spending a cent. My diet though, was uninspiring to say the least. Want the run down? You know you do!
Breakfast: 1 frozen "bagelful" with cream cheese heated up in the toaster oven (not as good as it sounds)
Lunch - peanut butter and jelly sandwich, 1 nectarine and half a cup of strawberries along with a handful of chips.
Snack: Cottage cheese with blueberry
Dinner: peanut butter and jelly sandwich with another nectarine and a bowl of ice cream for dessert (Jeff was in bed at 7:30pm with a headache and I was in no mood to actually COOK.. so peanut butter it was)
Breakfast: 3 Ego Waffles heated in toaster oven
Lunch: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with blueberries and a nectarine
Snack: 1 piece of strawberry birthday cake brought in by a co-worker, it was YUMMY and FREE!!!
Dinner: 2 hot dogs and fresh cherries

I still have over 3/4 tank of gas, so that's good. And the only bad thing is we're running low on milk and Jeff may need to get more. That goes against the no spending, but I drink a lot of milk lately since I can't have soda, so we'll see. I did, however, find myself browsing online and looking at different gardening items since in my head I'm going to plant flowers and put down mulch when I'm on maternity leave (Yes, I realize I am insane). But I have not purchased anything. Three more days... I can do this, right? Three more days......

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