Thursday, June 4, 2009

Epic Failure at Not spending Money this week

I was doing so well. So very well, and Tuesday night around midnight it all went to crap. From midnight to 4am I had THE MOST massive back cramps. It seriously felt like someone was stabbing me with a dagger in my lower back over and over again. I kept telling myself these were normal... that I've had bad back cramps before and it would be okay. Around 4am I broke down and called my doctor. 5am I was at Labor and Delivery where I was apparently having contractions every 2 minutes. They hooked me up to an IV and all that fluid slowed down the contractions to about every 5 minutes. 9am they sent me home saying I was experiencing "false labor" or "early labor". There's no rhyme or reason to it, and unfortunately there's not a damn thing I can do other than drink lots of water and walk around when it gets really bad. I'm exhausted and in pain and I couldn't go to work yesterday or today. And what do I do when I'm feeling so tired and needy and whiny? That's right people, take out. We had take out last night, and went out to lunch today. I also went to Target and got myself some maternity yoga pants to bring to the hospital in case I.. oh EVER GO INTO REAL LABOR! Meanwhile day 2 of non-stop false labor is killing me slowly. It's not as bad today, I'd say bad back contractions two-three times an hour, but still. I have my doctor's appt. tomorrow to check in, but when I asked him today if there was anything I could do for the pain I got a big fat negative in response. I just want this to slow down so I can be productive. You know, go back to work and earn some money... SOMETHING. Anyway, I'll have to try the no spending thing another time because I have a feeling that this week is going to be a total bust. Oh, and thank God that I don't have a credit card because I would be charging that puppy up right now as I type in an effort to spend away my stress.


1 comment:

Dawn said...

Walk, walk, walk! All that gravity will help! Oh, and I know you don't want to hear it, but sex is gonna help progress your labor. Seriously. 3 out of my 4 kids~labor was helped along by that. My doctor actually told us to do it. (o: I think you sound pretty ready. Half the stuff you buy you find that you barely use. As long as you can feed him, diaper him, and keep him warm..that's all you need.