Friday, October 22, 2010

Things that make me happy

I do a lot of complaining via my blog. Most of it is tongue in cheek, some of it is true venting, but not a lot of "things that make me happy". In the interest of showing the little things that make me in explicitly happy, this post shows just a few of them!
First up, decorations. I've mentioned before how I LOVE holidays. I really love holidays. If I had an unlimited budget my front yard would look like the spirit of Halloween just threw up all over it. Sadly, I do NOT have an unlimited budget and I have to make do with some small decorations picked up at Target. These decorations are not big, but they make me happy. They make my living room feel "fresh" and they make me smile when I see them.
My mantel has a few candles and pumpkin decorations.

I am also a sucker for decorative pillows. I would love, love, love to get a new sofa. Our current sofa is supposed to be one piece, but we broke it up into two to get it to fit the new room better. It's not a BAD sofa. Just not particular comfortable. And the two smaller pieces make it near impossible for Jeff and I to sit next to each other. But check out my Halloween pillows? How cool are they? These new pillows make my sofa look "kind of" new, and I love them.

Poor Monty is not having a good year. But during nap time I tend to pick up the clutter of toys that Nathan and I have scattered throughout the living room, and I let Monty have free reign of the house. He enjoys the attention and freedom, and how cute is he napping in the sun?

AND.. I have started cooking. I made some lovely banana/oat/chocolate chip cookies. No added sugar - and they were yummy if a bit odd looking.

But just the fact that I found a recipe and got the ingredients and MADE them and they were edible made me deliriously happy!

So there you have it - small things that make me happy!

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