Friday, October 15, 2010


Nathan is going to be dirty for a few days. Dirty, dirty. We're trying to break his fear of the bath - a fear that is SO STRONG that as soon as he HEARS the water running in the tub he starts to cry. Tonight Jeff totally took one for the team. He got in the bathtub in his swimming trunks and we filled the bath with toys and bubbles. Next I brought a screaming Nathan into the bathroom and we sat next to the tub and he sat on my lap. When he calmed down we let him play with the toys, and Jeff did REALLY OVER THE TOP motions of playing with the tubby toys, letting the water splash, playing with bubbles. The funniest part? He left his shirt on in the tub. I asked him if he wanted to take it off and he said "Whatever" and just got right in. I had to fight not to giggle. Nathan DID appear to calm down and start to giggle and laugh. We kind of sponge bathed him during this time as he played with the toys and bubbles. However, if I put Nathan down NEXT TO the tub, crying would immediately start. I'm not sure just what he's so afraid of, he's never really had a bad experience in the bath (I mean, the kid has a million toys and it's all warm water and bubbles - how bad is that?? I could stay in a bubble bath for hours - and have done so on multiple occasions!), but clearly he's afraid. Tomorrow night it's going to be my turn to take one for the team and put on the bathing suit and splash around in the tub. We're hoping we'll break him of this fear and eventually bath time will be fun time around here! Fingers crossed!

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