Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas Giving

Every year one of the companies I work for, Homeinsead Senior Care, put together a tree where senior citizens who don't have family close by or in their lives at all are asked what they want for the holidays and its placed on a tree. People pick an ornament and select their senior and get them the gift they want. While I was in the grocery store this evening with Jeff I saw that the tree was up and I went and took a peek. I wound up picking a senior who requested a flannel shirt and Diet Pepsi. That's it. That's all he wanted. I picked it because, what an interesting combination! I mean, Diet Pepsi and flannel?? Talk about two things that don't really go together. It's just so weird. But if that's what he wants, that's what he's going to get.

Last year I picked a senior who wanted a Christmas Sweater and I actually got her a "Quacker Factory" sweater from QVC. Okay, I got her two because I could NOT resist. I will never have an opportunity to indulge my passion for holiday sweaters ever again. If you haven't seen "Quaker Factory" and all the bedazzled sweaters that get sold, you are missing out. It's THE most entertaining television ever and I constantly tell friends that they're getting a sparkly snowman sweater for a gift. Check it out here:

Anyway, even though money is tight for Jeff and I this year I still wanted to do something nice for someone else, so that's my good deed for the season. And btw, how much Diet Pepsi should I get this man? A case? A liter??? He kind of left it wide open to interpretation!


Mary said...

OK, just the name alone compelled me to follow the link. I'm loving the sweaters, but my eye was also
drawn to an ad at the top of the page saying Barry Manilow is performing on QVC this Thursday! Ah, my secret shame. I'm a Barry fan.

Katharine said...

Ohhh... you want me to set Tivo to record his performance??? ;-)

Mary said...

Well......yeah, if you think of it. ;-)