Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Best Friends!

They would be:
and Naprosyn

These fabulous friends have been instrumental in helping me through the worst pain of my life. In case anyone didn't know, I was in and out of the hospital this past week with the world's worst headache/neck pain. They still aren't really sure what caused this lovely experience, but they are guessing it was a muscle spasm of sorts. How ironic is that? I work as a Massage Therapist and I had a muscle spasm.

I do however want to thank Jeff for being the best husband in the world. During the course of my week he did the following:
*Took me to the ER not once, but twice
*Spoke to the nurses and doctors about my pain, and basically acted as my advocate since I was either crying, or knocked out from the Demerol shots
*Cleaned up the bathroom after I, how shall I say this delcately, lost my breakfast
*Kept up a steady stream of ice packs to wrap around my poor head
*Stayed with me in the hospital almost the entire time, leaving only to take Monty out and to sleep. Lets keep in mind I was not exactly stimulating conversation at this point, I was mostly sleeping the sleep of the drug induced.
*Got me ice cream, more than once
*Cleaned our house AND scooped the kitty litter, a chore he detests more than anything else in the world

Basically Jeff was fabulous and I am so thoroughly spoiled I doubt I'll ever recover.

Oh, and if you want attention when waiting in the Emergecny Room, just lie down on the floor while crying. It seems to get you QUITE a bit of attention, and other patients will actually allow you to go ahead of them. :-) Just a little tip from me to you!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Katharine, your blog confirms my long-held belief that you are one of the funniest human beings to ever grace this planet. I'm so sorry you've been sick, glad you're feeling better, and keep that witty banter coming!