As a huge book nerd, I have quite a few favorite books/authors/characters. One of my favorite books feature Sherlock Holmes. I love him as a character, I love the way he solves crimes (in a completely different way than say, Hercule Poirot of Agatha Christie fame), and in MY mind, he looks like this:

He looks like this, the PBS version of Sherlock Holmes because that's what my parents watched when I was a child - WAY before I read the books. But I remember, and in MY mind - that's Sherlock Holmes.
So as interested as I was by the whole idea of a NEW Sherlock Holmes... eh... I don't know. Robert Downey Jr. is a great actor.. I just don't buy him as Sherlock Holmes. PLUS I read that they really played up the whole love angle (which if you've read the books you know that Mr. Holmes was NOT interested in the opposite sex at all and considered most of them sub-par in intellect and reason.). But this is a MOVIE and they need SEX, so see below:
And it LOOKS like a decent movie.. but I still don't think I can watch it. Does anyone else have this trouble when movies are made about their beloved books? Sometimes the actor portraying your favorite character is NOTHING like you imagined, and now the story is ruined. There's something about a good book that leaves you kind of.. possessive. That book, that story, that CHARACTER becomes part of you and to see that character in a different way can be disconcerting. So, to rent or not to rent?
We saw it in the theaters and I loved it! At first, I thought it was a little too different from the Holmes that I'm used to. But, if you think about some of the details in the books, it's actually just a different and totally valid interpretation. Although I could be blinded by the fact that I have a total crush on Robert Downey Jr!
I am facing the same quandary. It's all about Jeremy Brett. Sherlock Holmes should not be an action hero.
Somehow, though, I just can't seem to quell the curiosity as to this film. We will have to watch it eventually, even though I'm pretty sure to be ticked off by it.
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