We took Monty to the vet today. You know, yearly check up time. He needed Heartworm, Distemper, Rabies vaccinations. He needed bloodwork done, and he needed Frontline. Grand total? $321.00. Oh YEAH $321.00 in one shot. Now I HAD called ahead of time to see how much this visit would cost, and I was told the estimate was under $200. Didn't work out that way though did it? There goes my pedicure this weekend!!!
On the plus side, I had already put about $60 aside for his vet visit, so that was something. I also transferred some cash to my ING Savings account that had been sadly empty for the last few years. So we ARE being more financially intelligent than we have in the past. But still. That's a big chunk of change, but nobody said pets were inexpensive. Sadly in today's economy I hear all too many stories of people being forced to give up their pets because of money. Even a yearly visit is too much for their budget to handle and I find that so heartbreaking. I can't imagine giving up our boo boo. I mean, look at this face!

We're also heading to Babies R Us with a list of some last minute things, Target, and than we're off to Market Basket for groceries. I KNOW... it's so exciting here it's hard to imagine how we fit everything into the day!! But since I'm just a big bloated mess right now, planning anything too exciting ain't happening!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
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