Friday, June 19, 2009


Really I have nothing to report, so let's break it down:

1. Still pregnant, will be 39 weeks tomorrow and have the following symptoms:
a. swollen feet and hands
b. no ability to sleep despite numerous pillows
c. a cranktastic mood that leaves me feeling grumpy and worn out for no real good reason
d. an unholy hankering for McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese, french fries and a chocolate shake.

2. Monty was at the vet AGAIN last night. We woke up to him having a seizure. He peed on the floor, drooled, circled, fell down the stairs. It was pretty bad, and he didn't recognize us at all.. no response to his name. But of course by the time we got him to the Animal ER he was FINE making us look like we are BAT SHIT CRAZY. They ran some blood work and we left about $400 poorer.

3. One of my co-workers went for surgery this week and actually prepared for surgery by getting a manicure, pedicure, eyebrow wax and bikini wax. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't do this stuff? I mean, I like a good spa day, but it never occurred to me to prepare for surgery in this way. Usually I prepare by stocking up on ice cream....

4. It's raining and I hate it. While I'm glad that we haven't had to turn the a/c on, this rain is seriously depressing.

5. I've been thinking about my sweet Lily this week for some reason. One of my co-workers started talking about the cute things their cat did and I almost started bawling right there. Can we say, hormones???

6. Tired of being broke. Really, really, really tired of being broke.

There, did I put anyone else in a bad mood with this post?? I hope not!! Oh, and the ultrasound tech I went to last week told me she didn't think I would give birth until JULY! I almost throat punched her.


Mary said...

Oh God -- I had to laugh about your co-worker. Last time I had surgery, I explicitly remember them saying "NO nail polish in the OR!" So what's up with the mani/pedi?? I would rather go for all of that stuff AFTERWARDS, when I'm feeling better and could really use some pampering.

Roxanne said...

The only thing I did before surgery was try desperately not to get sick. It was December and I was scared to death I was going to catch the flu and not be able to have the surgery.

So glad to hear Monty is feeling better!