Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday Night

I made Jeff go off tonight for his planned night out with his brother. The house is clean since we had guests earlier (Hi Jen and Eric!!) and I have the most delicious chocolate cake I've ever tasted in my life in my fridge (courtesy of Jen - THANK YOU!). Now I ask you. does the night get any better??

For now the labor pains are gone and I have high hopes that if baby doesn't make his debut this weekend, at least I'll be able to go back to work on Monday and get some much needed CASH for our bank account!!!! Yeah for cash!!!

I do have to say, for anyone who has had false labor, holy crap is it NOT FUN. It felt like I was being stabbed in the back repeatedly over and over again - and not a damn thing I could do about it. Basically the motto of my pregnancy has been "suck it up" because there's nothing I can do other than just wait it out. I've become best friends with our heating pad, and I've been trying to take it easy. But I'm also excited... I'm 37 weeks today and that's full term. That means ANY MINUTE NOW I could have a baby. And I'm so excited to meet our baby. So very excited. I can't wait to put all our stuff to use, the adorable clothes, the toys.. everything. I mean.. I'm HAVING A BABY!! Holy crap.. it's all real.

So here I sit browsing websites and trying to see if there's anything missing that we need, anything that I've forgotten. I'm in the home stretch and ready to see the light!


Mary said...

Don't worry about forgetting anything -- Nathan isn't going to need everything right away. I hope you are managing to rest comfortably today! Are you going to blog from the hospital, when you're in labor? I know someone who did that!

Crankipantz said...

I'm totally going to do a hospital live blog...I think Katharine's going to be too busy, but I'll be sitting by helpless with nothing to do but be on the Internet documenting the event.

Mary said...

We, your adoring public, are eagerly awaiting updates!