Oh, and tidbit from me to you. Be nice to the housekeeping staff when you're at the hospital. You have no idea what you're going to get! When I was checking out the very nice woman who took the trash out of my room gave me the following:
- About 50 diapers
- 3 tubes of vaseline
- 20 assorted packets of alcohol
- 3 blankets for Nathan
- Pads, pads and more pads in assorted thicknesses and sizes
- Mesh panties
Now, I know this list isn't very exciting, but it was VERY MUCH appreciated by myself. I practically filled a bag with all the stuff she gave me and I am still thankful for it today!
We're all home now and getting used to just what Nathan is trying to tell us. What does his cries mean, his moods. And even though he does nothing but sleep or eat, I am utterly and completely besotted with him. I stare at him all the time just amazed that he is here. It's kind of crazy just how nuts I am over this baby, it's been only 4 days and I am in love.Anyway, here are a few pictures and I'll have more later I'm sure!