So our living room is small. This picture is slightly out dated since we have a different television and rug and some bookcases in here, but what I REALLY, REALLY want to do is something Jeff's co-workers said would be a wonderful improvement. I want to get rid of our ugly drop ceiling..... and have a cathedral ceiling instead! Sigh.... It would add more space to the room.. both living room and potential nursery... it would be warmer since we'd have redone the insulation, AND it would improve our house's value. A really important thing considering we overpaid for our house when we bought it and there is not a chance in hell we'll get someone to pay that price for it anytime soon. So a cathedral ceiling.. For the materials, we need to come up with about $2,000. And that doesn't include the price of having professionals coming in and demolishing our ceiling. See.. we want professionals to do it since if WE do it, it will take months and months and be a nightmare. A professional team can probably do it for us in a weekend. Now we don't HAVE a spare $2,000+... and right now our main focus is on the devastating cost of daycare.. but this hasn't stopped me from dreaming.
See the picture here.. how COOL is this?? Sigh... So anyone have a spare $2,000 for us???

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