It's called "Peek a Boo Friends" and seriously, how cute is it?? ADORABLE! I love that it has all these different animals and the bright colors and everything. So cheerful! I'm actually excited to finish cleaning and get everything organized and pretty. This weekend I'm taking my Dad and we're heading to good ol' Building 19 and looking to see if they have any unfinished bookcases I can buy, things like that. I also need to figure out how much wall to wall carpet will cost for that room as well. Just knowing what our baby is, a boy, makes it all the more real!
And here's a question for all the mothers out there:
A bouncy seat or a swing? Are both necessary or can I get away with just one? Keep in mind that our house is small and we need to conserve space as much as possible!! ;-)
Mr Darcy admits to be a trifle disappointed. Having two delightful daughters himself, he has a considerable preference for that species.
Still, it's nice to know for certain, and I suppose I'll grow to accept a boy. Conceivably, I'll even like the tyke.
I am reminded of the episode of "Sex and the City" where Miranda, the new mother, has a constantly crying, colicky baby and doesn't know what to do. One of her neighbors comes knocking on the door at 4 AM with one of those vibrating baby seats (I don't know what they call them). Poof! like magic, little Brady stopped crying once he was in the seat!
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