Friday, February 27, 2009
Love of scary movies
And let's just say its not a happy ending.
Now normally I'm fine after watching scary movies, but this time I woke up at 2am for one of my million pee breaks and I could NOT bring myself to get up in the dark and go to the bathroom. I just couldn't do it. I lay there for like 15 minutes before I finally poked Jeff and MADE HIM GET UP AND ESCORT ME TO THE BATHROOM. Yes folks, I woke up my husband in the dead of night and made him walk me to the bathroom like I was 8 years old. Poor man. Apparently I am not "cut off" from all scary movies. But in my defense, it WAS a very scary movie!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
New Bedding Idea

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
NOW.. before everyone tells me how nice I was.. here's the confession part. I did think about NOT giving it back for a minute. I could have added that $5 to our cookie jar fund for a new bathroom sink.. and I did have a second of "she would never know" before I just sucked it up and gave it back to her.
So here's the question, does anyone else have not so nice thoughts like this? Feel like doing the "wrong thing" or are other people just naturally good with no nasty thoughts. I mean, I've already confessed to being WAY less than perfect, but it *was* a temptation to keep that $5. I'm not exactly proud I gave it back to her, but I know I would have felt awful if I kept it. But has anyone else had a few seconds of debate like this?? Or am I just a morally corrupt person?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Taxes and a little bit of TMI
- 1. Wall to wall carpet for the nursery
- 2. Lily's vet appointment to get her checked out and possibly on mood altering drugs to keep her from peeing on even MORE things around the house.
- 3. Monty to be groomed - seriously, our dog STINKS!!!
- 4. Furniture for nursery
Right now that's all I can think of. We also have a fund for home improvements that we're trying to start because oh, if we don't start saving it WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!
And because I'm feeling very random this evening I wanted to share a tidbit about pregnancy with everyone. Something that I was not aware of before this. You know how in movies they show ultrasounds and its done on the belly?? Well when you're REALLY early in your pregnancy ultrasound is not done this way. Oh no. They use something very similar to a TAMPON and it's an INTERNAL ultrasound. More information than you wanted?? Well I just wanted to give all you ladies' a heads up because boy howdy was I SURPRISED when this happened to me. I mean... surprised probably doesn't cut it. Surprise is a word you use for something pleasant, like a birthday party or cake or something like that. This was not pleasant. This was distinctly UNPLEASANT and to make things even more AWKWARD - Jeff was in the room. Now I love Jeff and we don't have any secrets, but I certainly did not want him there to see that little visit. So take that into consideration ladies!! Little tidbit from me to you - you can thank me later!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Baby Boy!!!

It's called "Peek a Boo Friends" and seriously, how cute is it?? ADORABLE! I love that it has all these different animals and the bright colors and everything. So cheerful! I'm actually excited to finish cleaning and get everything organized and pretty. This weekend I'm taking my Dad and we're heading to good ol' Building 19 and looking to see if they have any unfinished bookcases I can buy, things like that. I also need to figure out how much wall to wall carpet will cost for that room as well. Just knowing what our baby is, a boy, makes it all the more real!
And here's a question for all the mothers out there:
A bouncy seat or a swing? Are both necessary or can I get away with just one? Keep in mind that our house is small and we need to conserve space as much as possible!! ;-)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Last week of massage
$10 tip for an 80 minute massage?? Are you KIDDING me?? Now I understand that times are tight right now, but $10??? GAH!! Are you joking?? Do you KNOW how exhausting an 80 minute massage can be to give?? Now the price at Elements for an 80 minute massage is $75, and $10 is just a little over 10%. I'd be MORE insulted and think that maybe they hated my massage and I just sucked, but I looked at their history and they rarely give more than $10. Ugh...
One time this client gave $5!! $5!!! People, let me tell you a little secret. A massage therapist either works on straight commission, or you are like me and only get $16 per massage. We LIVE for our tips, LIVE for them! If you can't afford to tip nicely, than do what I do.. don't go!!
Vent over!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Yet ANOTHER Sick Day
So I've been sitting at home and feeling sorry for myself. I'm in my pajamas and I've been going up and down the stairs since 9am doing laundry. At least I'm doing SOMETHING productive. We've got tons of laundry that we really haven't been able to do because snow blocks our basement, and our basement is where our washer and dryer are. I also need to go through clothes and maybe start bringing out some spring things. Of course, my selection is limited because I am officially the size of the sun. I cannot FIT my clothes and I have some maternity things to wear that are lovely so it's time to rotate clothing again.
I'll take some pictures this weekend so everyone can see our house in chaos. Yup.. CHAOS as we pack and re-pack and organize as we try to figure out just where everything is going to go. The good thing is that Jeff and I have gotten through the worst of "Where are we going to put all our crap" and our instead taking action. I LOVE action! Love it!! I like to DO things and get that lovely sense of accomplishment when I look around and see a clean house that's well organized.
Otherwise it's same ol' same ol' over here. I've ordered some children's books through Amazon Marketplace for BARGAIN prices! Books are expensive but I want us to have a nice little library ready for our baby. I LOVE to read and it would be nice to pass that along to our child. And books are one of the few things I can buy right now where it doesn't matter if we are having a boy or a girl!! SCORE! I can indulge my desire to nest for a little while longer!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day - and be on the lookout for pictures!!! They'll be coming soon!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Emotional Rollercoaster
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lack of skill in the cooking department
Anyway, the way people react they seem to think 1 of 2 things.
1. That somehow I tricked Jeff into marrying me with an elaborate bait and switch and eventually he will grow tired of the fact that my idea of cooking is throwing mac and cheese into a pot. I had one woman tell me, with all seriousness, that Jeff will leave me because I don't cook. Apparently the companionship, friendship, and laughter that I offer our relationship all pale in the shadow of the fact that I don't turn on the oven more than once a month.
2. That my soon to be born child will starve death or suffer from severe malnutrition.
For the first, Jeff KNEW that I couldn't cook when we met. I've already well documented the fact that my attempt at making him baked ziti failed miserably. Let me also point out that the stove in my Allston apartment had not been turned on in the three years I lived there. Not at all. I subsisted on cereal, take out, and the occasional can of soup heated up on the burners. But the stove - didn't use it. I think Jeff figured that out when he came over one day and attempted to make me dinner. The pilot light was out, and when he went to light it, the fireball that came out at him almost took off his eyebrows. Unhappy pretty much sums up his feelings for the night. So, there was no bait and switch. I never got food, threw out the containers and attempted to pass a gourmet meal off on him. Not even once.
And for the second. Of COURSE I have every intention of learning a few simple, nutritious recipes for when our child gets older. Gourmet meals, no thanks. Simple... varied.. sure. But I also figure I have a few years before I need to do this so I'm not all that worried. I've already determined that the crock pot and I are friends, so it probably means I'll be utlizing that more at some point.
For cooking in general. I know, some people LOVE it. My sister Karen pours over recipes and magazing articles and actually CHANGES recipes to suit her needs. I would NEVER change a recipe because I'm just so bad at following the original one that to change it seems to seriously spit in the eye of fate. I don't do it. But yes, there are a lot of people out there who love creating things in the kitchen. They love the whole process, trying things out, chopping and dicing and whatever else goes on. Not me. I hate it. The whole thing is just so BORING to me and I'd really rather do anything else. Laundry? Sure! Scrub the bathroom? No problem! Clean up the house? Anytime! Cook? Bah. Me cooking goes something like this:
Katharine: Puts pot of water on stove and turns it on
Katharine: stands for a few minutes staring at water and gets distracted by something shiny
Katharine: wanders away
time passes....
Jeff: "Is there something burning on the stove"?
Katharine: "Shit"
That's me EVERY SINGLE TIME! I just have NO PATIENCE for cooking and really would rather do a million other things than stand in the kitchen waiting for food. Let's face it, take out is going to be our friend until the day comes that I can no longer lift the phone and place an order!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Dreams for our house