Jeff and I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of tires squealing. You know, the sound of tires on ice when the car is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. This went on for around 20 minutes before Jeff got up and went outside. Well, color US happy when we saw that our neighbor Fred had thrown a party the night before. One of Fred's guests had perhaps drank a wee bit too much and had tried to drive home. SOMEHOW this guest managed to get stuck in the snowbank next to our house and get stuck. Instead of getting out and digging himself out, he just screeched the tires and got more and more stuck. Oh, and knocked down our mailbox. His truck wound up sprawled across both our street and our driveway, mere inches from Jeff's car.
Next.. this lovely person WENT HOME. Left the truck there and instead, sent his BROTHER to get the car. It was the brother who was attempting to get the truck out by grinding the wheels for long periods of time that early Sunday morning. Jeff spent almost an hour outside with a shovel, sand, and cardboard in an attempt to get the truck out of our driveway and the enormous snowbank. All to no avail. FINALLY Jeff said "fuck it" and forced the guy to knock on Fred's door since Fred has a truck as well and he could possible get the other truck out. The guy did so, Fred did so, and the truck was moved. Oh, and apparently Fred is going to "Take care of" our mailbox situation. Which frankly, I hope means he's giving us a check for a new one.
As of last night the truck in question was parked down at the bottom of our hill, apparently unable to go any further. It was NOT a fun morning and I'm exhausted just typing this all. But I thought you might all like to take a gander at the end result.

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