I have horrible skin. I am pale like Casper, and I am prone to break outs... never mind that I also have very sensitive skin. It's just a nightmare all around. But I've been using a product by Biore recently and I LOVE it. I mean, seriously LOVE it!
It's Biore's "Warming Anti-Blackhead Cream Cleanser" and it's WONDERFUL! I *always* have blackheads on my nose and this stuff has cleared them up nicely. Never mind that the few pimples I get are smaller and clear up quicker. It's fabulous, fabulous stuff and I'm going to Target this weekend to get another bottle. Trust me when I say for me to buy the exact same product TWO TIMES in a row is a VERY BIG DEAL. I am a total product whore and have no brand loyalty at all, never mind that I have the attention span of a gnat and tend to get distracted by fancy packaging, brands and marketing - so for me to buy this product again is huge. Super huge. Really huge.
Oh, and Pregnancy tip from me to you - feeling nauseous??? A chocolate shake from McDonald's is the best remedy known to man! ;-)
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