Jeff loves "Lost". Me? Eh. Not so much. Mainly because I feel like not enough is explained and that the evil character Ben is not dead yet. That character is manipulative, mean, nasty, and manages to get the other characters to kill and do other horrible things. If I had that man in my power I would have killed him LONG ago. And slept well too. Anyway.. Jeff watched "Lost" this past week and I played my SIMS. The only thing that did catch my attention was HELLO..... Sawyer walked around shirtliess the ENTIRE TIME! Well color ME happy.. I mean.. if I can't get a plot line that makes sense or the death of a man who EVERYONE KNOWS SHOULD DIE.. than let's get Sawyer aka actor Josh Holloway to walk around practically naked and I'm so busy drooling that I no longer notice that none of it makes sense..
I think you'd all agree with me if you could just picture him. Let me help you with that.

Sigh..... See... now I forgot what I was talking about... don't mind me as I sit at my laptop for the next 20 minutes just staring at this picture.......
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