Sunday, December 27, 2009
I also did not get to cuddle or kiss my baby AT ALL since I was scared to death of passing this along to him. Instead I alternated between sleeping and being in the bathroom pretty much all day. The next day I felt weak and sick, but better. I kept down some dry toast. And thank God for this because the stomach bug had moved from me to Jeff and he was down for the count. Jeff, trying to be the considerate husband and father slept on our sofa that night, and boy what a mistake that was. He woke up in PAIN and feeling like he'd been run over. I took Nathan out for a little post-Christmas shopping at Target and came home to run our sheets and towels through the laundry. I also reconfigured our closet to hold the multitude of toys and clothing that Nathan now owns. Did I mention that Nathan goes through clothes like tissues?? I swear once a month I do purge of his bureau and start to move the "too big" clothes that are hanging neatly in the closet into the bureau and the clothes that he's outgrown into large rubbermaid bins. Clothes that he's never worn go into the donation box which is growing by leaps and bounds!
So today, I'm still feeling weak and tired, not completely like myself, and Jeff has managed to keep down some toast and jam (a small miracle all things considered). But it was definitely not the "Baby's First Christmas" I had planned. :-(
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Adorable Baby Part Two
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dislike for Yankee Swaps
1. I never know what to buy. I always wait to the last minute and wind up getting something boring like a Dunkin Donuts gift card, or a trinkety item that I THINK looks cute when I buy it, and turns out NOBODY ELSE WANTS IT. That always happens.. always, and then I get annoyed that I had to shell out money for something that nobody wants/need/or even LIKES. It bugs me, and it bugs me even more this year when I've been so strict about cutting back. It's kind of like throwing money away.
2. It's hard to actually EXCHANGE a gift because you will invariably hurt someones feelings if you don't like what they've picked out for the swap. You can't open the present, smile, and say HELL NO as you look around at what everyone else to see if you can get something better.
Last night was no different, and I had spent my lunch hour at the Paper Store picking out a little gift. I wound up getting a sort of Christmasy style bracelet with matching earrings. Slightly over the $20 price limit, but I thought they were cute and somewhat kitschy and people might like to wear them over the holidays. Now what I SHOULD do is just pick my own damn gift. I mean... I already knew I wouldn't mind having the bracelet and earring set, but at the same time I usually go for a different present. This year I got a gingerbread kit and it's actually really cute - it's got all the trimmings to making a gingerbread house and I will actually try to make it, but now everyone at my work wants PICTURES of this house and I'm feeling a wee bit of pressure to make the blasted thing. No re-gifting here thank you very much!!!!! Though come to think of it.... I do have ANOTHER Yankee Swap to attend in a few days.. maybe I'll wrap this puppy up and bring it!! BUT.. my bracelet and earring set were deemed "lovely, but not my style" by the co-worker who picked it and promptly traded to someone else. Another co-worker who did NOT look pleased to get it. In fact, she looked so UNHAPPY with the gift I actually told her I had the receipt if she wanted to exchange it... How sad is that?? She said no, that she would be fine but it's very frustrating. I really should learn from this and just pick my own damn gift next time!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Addiction to The Company Store Catalog
North Pole Flannel Bedding

Doesn't that look all lovely and warm and soft?? God I want to climb into the pages and get under the covers...
Our exclusive Double Diamond™ comforter / duvet is filled with 600-650 fill power goose down for a more luxurious comforter / duvet.
300-thread count cotton cover is stitched through in diamond pattern.
Machine wash.
Made in La Crosse, Wisconsin, of fine imported materials.
What does supersize mean?We've taken our traditional comforter / duvet and given it a few extra inches to create a supersize, super luxurious comforters / duvets with a generous 15 in. drop (that's 4" wider and 10" longer on a queen size bed). As lofty and billowy as our traditional versions, only grander because you can never get too much of a good thing.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I've Come To Realize
1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size ... is always fluctuating!
2. I’ve come to realize that my job …is sometimes just a means to a paycheck, and sometimes gratifying
3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving …I like to sing along to the radio, preferably Octane on Sirius
4. I’ve come to realize that I need …more sleep than I ever thought possible.
5. I’ve come to realize that I have lost …my sense of humor when I am bone tired
6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when …people aren't straight up with me.
7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk …I've had one glass of wine and will really, really regret it at 2am when Nathan wakes up
8. I’ve come to realize that money …can bring freedom
9. I’ve come to realize that certain people …are not worth the effort.
10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always …be slightly insecure
11. I’ve come to realize that my an intelligent, funny, amazing person who I am blessed to have in my life.
12. I’ve come to realize that my mom …is human.
13. I’ve come to realize that my dad … is always there for me.
14. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone …is my lifeline.
15. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook …I love reconnecting with people from my past.
16. I’ve come to realize that today …is over way too soon.
17. I’ve come to realize that tonight …is always going to be long.
18. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow …holds much promise.
19. I’ve come to realize that I really want to …write a novel.
20. I’ve come to realize that life …goes very, very fast and not always in the direction you would like.
21. I’ve come to realize that this weekend …can't get here soon enough!
22. I’ve come to realize that marriage …takes work and patience and laughter
23. I’ve come to realize that my true friends …amaze me with their kindness all the time.
24. I’ve come to realize that this year …was not what I expected it would be.
25. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should …have gone into the medical field
26. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified …of being a bad wife/friend/parent
27. I’ve come to realize that I love …being a Mommy
28. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand …why people can be so nasty
29. I’ve come to realize that God …is everywhere
30. I’ve come to realize my past …may not be perfect but is not something I would ever change.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Adorable Baby with Santa

And yes, we took Santa to the mall to get his picture taken. Jeff said that he wouldn't do it every year, but I definitely would. Nathan was very good too I must say. He smiled and let Santa hold him and there were no water works. Of course next year that might be different when he figures out that he's with a STRANGER and that Mommy and Daddy are not there - but for now he was perfectly content being held for his picture. In fact the hardest part was getting him to smile AT THE CAMERA. He was fascinated by all the other boys and girls waiting and kept looking to the side and smiling at them. Cute - but slightly frustrating as we tried to drag his attention back to us. Oh, and the photographer kept calling him a baby GIRL. Ah well... at least the picture is beyond cute!
Christmas Shopping for now
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Day 4 of Peanut Butter Jelly Time
So I'll leave you all with this because even though I've seen it a million times I still think its highly entertaining:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Christmas Present Buying
He brought Nathan to bed with us. Now if you know Jeff you know how strongly he feels against NOT bringing Nathan into the bed with us, so for Jeff to cave in on this issue means we were past the point of rational thinking. So the next morning there was no way in hell that I was waking up at 4:30am to shop. AND.. well we're broke. We're broke, broke, broke. Yeah, I know... what else is new???
But the whole broke thing really got me thinking about Christmas. As I get older I find the less I truly want under the tree, and instead I've been looking at several different sites and checking out toys for Nathan. So far Nathan has about 5 different toys and we've decided to stop there - after all, Nathan IS a baby and its not like he's keeping a score card about what he's getting. I plan on getting a few more books for his library, and that's about it. But for Jeff it's a different story. I just ordered two gifts for him and I've limited my budget to $150. Now that may seem like a lot, but in the past I've tended to go a little crazy with gifts at Christmas. I just like buying things, I like the whole process of thinking about what the perfect gift is, where to find it, and buying it and wrapping it. And I especially love watching people open the gifts. This time round I'm going to be looking for great gifts for Jeff that also don't cost a lot. It's going to require a lot more creativity from me, and I'm paying more attention to sales/bargains and the such so I can not only get more ideas about what to get him, but the best prices as well.
I've also crossed some people off my list. My sister and I for example decided last year not to exchange gifts and instead go out to dinner with each other. Karen is in London right now, so getting time with her is infinitely more precious than something material. I don't really exchange gifts with friends anymore (I think we're all in the same boat right now money wise!!), so the gifts also go to the following:
- My cousin
- My father
- My mother
- Jeff's mother
- Jeff's niece Alli and nephew Brian
- A $20 gift card for our postman (if you saw the hill of death we live on, you'd know the man deserves a little thank you for hiking up here to deliver our mail!)
- And I also need to get little gifts for the women who watch Nathan at Daycare. I'm thinking Dunkin' Donuts gift cards.... Though Jeff thinks this isn't necessary since we pay a LARGE sum of money for the privilege of taking him there....
Here's my question? What's your budget for the holidays? Do you exchange gifts with certain people, or with everyone? Who makes the list??
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thoughts on Spanking
And I confess, I have thought in my own head that perhaps a spanking is something the demon child needs. But I'm not really a fan of spanking. As a child, I WAS spanked, and I have to say that my memories of it were not pleasant. And yes, I am completely aware of the fact that spanking is a punishment, and NOT supposed to be pleasant. But there seems to be something so undisciplined about spanking, that anger is getting the best of the parent and they are lashing out. So for now, I'm not on board with the spanking as a discipline method. Of course it's so easy for me to say something like that when I have a 4 month old and of course it's not even on the radar screen anytime soon, but Jeff and and I have discussed it and we're both pretty much in agreement that there will be no spanking in this house. Time outs, loss of privileges, of course. And perhaps a visit from Super Nanny if the need ever arises!!!
So my friends, what are your thoughts on spanking? Yes? No? Maybe???
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Late Fall Attempt at De-cluttering
I've also been decluttering Nathan's room as time moves on. All the clothes he's outgrown have been storied in rubbermaid containers in our basement, and I've already started a large bin for his 6 month clothes. He's like a weed, this kid. It's crazy how fast he outgrows stuff.
How often does everyone else declutter? I tend to do it on an as needed basis, or when my OCD gets out of control and the STUFF makes me crazy....
I also want to go through the tons and tons of paperwork/mail and assorted catalogues that continue to multiple faster than rabbits. BUT, I don't want to go nuts and get all sorts of organzing things because Jeff and I are KIND of looking around for another house. A house where we can maybe entertain... a house where we can store the crap loads of baby crap that you apparently need these days in order to raise a child properly. And a house where there is more than one bathroom!! Ahhhh.. more than one bathroom would be sooooo lovely... so lovely... And a washer and dryer I don't have to exit the house to use! That would also be wonderful!
Oh, and my point was if anyone wants some books, let me know! I can send some your way, otherwise they're going into the donation bin!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Amazing Growing Baby
Oh, and HOW in the world does Nathan know when I've put him in something particularly cute and he should perhaps choose that very moment to spit up all over himself??? It's got to be more than coincidence that as soon as he's dressed in something particularly adorable that he takes that moment to upchuck over everything.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Donation Package
2 bottles of Johnson's Baby Wash
Desitin diaper rash ointment
6 onesies for 3 month olds
socks size 0-6 months
a swaddle wrap in size large
Saline nasal spray
Not a lot, but I'm hoping to get a few more things like diapers and clothing and maybe some more baby wash and diaper creme. I've got a $5.00 off any purchase of $15 or more at CVS and I may wander down tomorrow during lunch and see what I can get. I may be broke but I can still help out in some small way... and it makes me feel better too! A win win situation all around! I would especially like to make this idea of giving around the holidays a family affair where we all get involved in a charity and gather items to help out, even Nathan will be able to help give. It would kind of be a nice tradition instead of the usual gimme, gimme, gimme that surrounds the holidays.
Keep in mind though, I'm no saint.... I'm already thinking of different things I might possible like for the holidays (cough... spa day.. cough.... cough...) and I am certainly already on the lookout for toys and the such for Nathan. What holiday traditions do you all embrace? Do you volunteer? Give?? Feel free to share, I'd love to see some more ideas!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Foot in Mouth Disease

And I am really, really considering having him just start sleeping in the pack n' play in our room. But the pack n' play doesn't really look designed for long term sleeping, and the mattress doesn't seem that great. So what's a mommy to do?? Does anyone have any suggestions?? I know we could move the crib up into our room, but frankly I am DREADING taking that puppy apart and moving it. It was NOT easy to set up and we actually paid extra to have the delivery people do it. Thoughts? Comments?? Feel free to share!
Inability to Sit Around and Do Nothing
Put in a load of Nathan's laundry (I swear I do his laundry like 2x a week)
Put away our laundry from yesterday
Dishes (twice)
Fed the dog and took him out
Sterilized Nathan's bottles and pacifiers (can we say soaking in boiling hot water?)
Started holiday shopping lists
I DID take a 4 hour nap though during the day, you know, because I feel LOUSY with a capital L! But I also hate staying home sick. I always feel so sluggish and blah, and while I should be enjoying the fact that I have a day where Nathan is being cared for and I can indulge myself in feeling better, I just can't seem to stop DOING things. I'm actually contemplating cleaning our bathroom because I have a day "to myself". What is WRONG with me???
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Leprechaun in Space Movie Night
Alien princess
DNA regeneration through blood
Half human/half robots
Crazy Scientists
Love Storyline
Insane DNA experiments
Mutants mixtures of spiders and scorpions
It was all in there. Didn't matter that one part of the story was never solved, resolved or followed up. Or explained. The fact that the alien princess could regenerate is never explained, it just IS. And it's an excuse for us to later get a mutant of spider/alien/regeneration person that rips the pants off the lady scientist and spins lots of webs and eats flies and is just generally repulsive. Oh wait, the lady scientist isn't a scientist, she's a DOCTOR.. a doctor of BIOLOGY, meaning she's a BIOLOGIST. I got the serious giggles during that little explanation.
There was also a 1o second gratuitous shot of Alien Princess's breasts because in her culture, if royalty shows their breasts it means you are sentenced to death. It made absolutely no sense, it was just an excuse for her to flash, and is never mentioned again. All in all, it was highly entertaining and Jeff and I giggled our whole way through the movie. So, definitely worth it in the sense of renting. Though I still don't think we needed to watch 1-3 to watch this one. And just in case you want to see it again, here's the preview!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Bawling my eyes out
I was so glad to hear that she is alive and found safe, but so incredibly sad and mad that her own MOTHER had given her away and then reported her missing. I was also sad to see in pictures how tiny she is. Shannon is 7 months old and she seems TINY in comparison to Nathan. Nathan at 4 months is a chubba chub baby, and I feel like this little girl is itty bitty. I want this baby. I think they should just give her to Jeff and I and she can be Nathan's big sister. Let's face it, for all my complaining and being tired, I LOVE being a mommy. Love it. And since I haven't given Nathan away and had him LOCKED IN A CRATE UNDER A BED FOR 12 HOURS... it looks like I'm up for mother of the year in comparison. Don't think I'm not tempted to call Florida social services and ask if she needs a foster home. Think they'd let us bring her to Massachusetts??
Monday, November 2, 2009
Scary Movie
It's called "Trick or Treat" and it's kind of 4 short stories in one. If you are a looking for a good scary movie, rent it, it's worth it!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Now Nathan normally sleeps in a co-sleeper next to our bed and it's about bassinet sized, so not that big. The pack n' play however is a pretty good size. And Nathan took FULL ADVANTAGE of his room to kick his feet, squirm, and pretty much make as much noise as possible without crying. He kicked and kicked and thumped his feet and tried to roll over and was just generally a REALLY LOUD SLEEPER. Also, as everyone knows, houses make weird noises at night. And if you don't normally sleep there, you're not used to those noises. There were doors creaking, wind blowing, and generally all sorts of sounds that continually woke me up. Jeff is actually lucky that I woke up at 11:30pm when he and David got back because they didn't have any keys. I remember vaguely thinking it was a little late for trick or treaters before making my way to the door. And poor Jeff and David walked all the way home from Salem center in the rain. He was SOAKED.
All in all it was not a very memorable Halloween.... hopefully next year will be better!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Love of Fall
But Fall I love. I love the chill in the air, I love hot chocolate (the real kind by Godiva made with milk and shaved chocolate), I love candy apples and the smell in the air. I love sweaters and boots and pretty leather jackets, and I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and generally just about everything. Some of my FAVORITE things about fall are as follows:
1. Flannel sheets on the bed along with our super warm down blanket
2. The mentioned hot chocolate made with shaved chocolate and milk
3. Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters. I have so many sweaters its ridiculous, and its yet another reason I need to lose weight because I have TONS and I'm not about to start replacing them.
4. Naps. Naps on the sofa curled up under a lovely blanket... and while I do NOT have the chance to actually TAKE naps anymore, I fondly remember lovely naps. I remember lounging on the sofa under a soft blanket with my pillow, stretching out and napping a Saturday afternoon away for hours at a time. God I LOVE naps.. love them, and miss them.
So what does everyone think of Fall? Like? Hate???
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Disenchantment with Charities
- The Ocean Conservancy (
- Fund for Animals (
- sometimes to Performing Animal Welfare Society (
- and a charity for native Americans that I refuse to name because I am disgusted by them
I am angry because I recently found out that the charity I had been giving to, supposedly to help native Americans on reservations, keeps almost 80% of the donations and distributes it in salaries. Less than 20% goes to the actual people in need and this pisses me off big time. Now here's where I am WAY too trusting. I've been giving to this organization for YEARS. YEARS! I give every Thanksgiving and Christmas, and from time to time give for different fundraisers. Recently I had donated $50 to give packages of baby things to moms on the reservations. Supposedly the mom would get diapers, blankets, a baby tub and some toys. Now I realize that it's primarily a scam and I am soooooo ticked off. I wasted that money and the people I had wanted to help got very little. I don't know why stuff like this surprises me, I guess I'm just too trusting, but I did a little more research and found a place where they actually HELP the people on reservations.
This place lists several donation events you can participate in and two of the ones I'm thinking of helping with are the following:
According to the different places I've researched this group actually gives ALL the purchased donations to the schools/churches and community, and they rarely ask for cash donations. I like the idea of picking out items from a list and sending them, and I'm thinking I'll pick up some diapers the next time I'm out and about and send them off. Diapers are PRICEY... very pricey.
Anyway, this holiday season I'm thinking I'm going to concentrate more on things like this rather than getting more STUFF for me. Because let's face it.. I don't really NEED more stuff. Well, Nathan always needs more stuff.. but I don't! ;-) Of course if Jeff is reading this I can always use a gift card to say... Macy's!!! Or perhaps for a pedicure!!! Hey.. I'm only human after all! ;-)
Does anyone else have any favorite charities they give to?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wish me luck, I don't do well with "Challenges" (in case you didn't notice from the failed "no take out" attempts I've made), so I need lots of good wishes sent my way!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Inability to Accessorize
I mean, on a normal day my jewelry is my wedding bands, maybe my Nathan bracelet or necklace, and a pair of earrings. IF I'M LUCKY!! Sometimes it's just my wedding bands and everything else goes bye bye...
So does anyone have any hints for the accessory challenged such as myself? I saw so many beautiful necklaces I would have loved to purchase but I just know they would sit in my jewelry box untouched and unloved....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Food intake to Date
Let's see if I can keep this up for the rest of the week!
Monday, October 12, 2009
So what do you all think? If you COULD know the future, would you take that opportunity to see it?
Oh, and a quick update. Day two after making my "no eating out post" and I'm hanging in there! It means I had cereal last night for dinner, and Stouffer's chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night, I don't know what we're having, but hopefully it won't be take out!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Rough Mommy/Wife Night
I also felt so bad that I'm not entertaining him enough - that I don't keep him as occupied as they do at daycare, so I tried really hard to do things like singing and playing with toys and I even tossed in some "tummy time". One thing we did he REALLY liked was he pretended to stand. I held him under his arms and let his feet rest on me as he pretended to "stand". He LOVED that and just laughed and laughed. That was definitely fun, but oofah he was soooo cranky for most of the time. Jeff would come home from an exhausting day at work and I'd be passed out on the sofa with Nathan on the bouncy seat in front of me.
I wish I had something funny to add but oh my it was a hard weekend. Jeff wanted to go grocery shopping today and I just couldn't. I was too tired. Instead we came home and took turns with Nathan until he finally passed out around 8pm. And may I add that Jeff wasn't far behind.. he's sleeping next to me on the sofa right now as I type this! Here's hoping that this up-coming week is better!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pretend Shopping at Macy's.Com
This whole getting out of debt thing is HARD!
So I'm going back to one of my ideas, which is no take out. I've decided that I will not get take out from today until Friday. That's 7 days. I can do this. 7 days with no take out.... Even if it means I'm eating cereal for dinner every night, there will be no take out. I've failed at this task previously, so I'm really hoping I can follow through now. And who knows, maybe by Christmas time I'll have a spare $500 to go shopping!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Irritation Level

Okay, who am I kidding... this is his favorite way to sleep ALL THE TIME! He loves this. And while it's lovely to have a snugly baby all curled up on you there are times I would like to do the following:
Perhaps eat something
Stretch my legs
Anyway, I was further irritated by "The Kardashians". Yes, I am forever ashamed that I know who they are, but one of them, I think Kourtney?? Is pregnancy by her asshat of a boyfriend and he actually made a statement about how glad he is that the baby will know Kourtney while she is "young and hot" and not an "OLD HAG"!! A HAG???? Because I know when Nathan is screaming in the middle of the night the most important thing to him is HOW I LOOK. If I don't have my make up perfectly applied and my hair done he wants nothing to do with me. GAH!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Worst Movie Experiences
Here's the movies I've seen that have made the list:
The Fog #66 (made me want to hang myself, awful, awful, awful...)
BloodRayne #48 (so bad it was laughable and has the most awkward, cringe-worthy sex scene I have ever had the displeasure of viewing. You seriously want to scrub your brain with bleach after)
House of the Dead #42 (actually not that horrible if you realize it's a Grade B zombie movie with no real plot!)
Code Name: The Cleaner #37 (I think Jeff rented this and I half watched it while playing my Sims on my laptop - I don't remember much about it but it did have SOME funny moments)
The Covenant #31 (I saw this in the THEATRE and I believe it was my choice so I have no defense here but the movie was somewhat entertaining even if the teens did look like they were in their 30's!!!)
Battlefield Earth #27 (I saw this at someones house during a "bad movie night party")
Now that I've fessed up, who else feels like letting the world in on all the horrible, horrible movies that they've seen? I would like to add "Van Helsing" to the list btw.. that was such horrid, horrid crap... and with a HUGE special effects budget to boot!
Friday, October 2, 2009
But then this morning I was reminded that though those days are gone bye bye, we have different days ahead. See, 4am Nathan was fed and changed but was coughing too much in his co-sleeper to sleep comfortably. So we did what we have only done once before. We brought him into bed with us where I propped him up next to me so my arm cradled him. Snug as bugs in a rug. And wouldn't you know he settled right down. No coughing, no fussing, just looked around at us and feel deep asleep. Although I should add that babies move a LOT when they sleep and I got whacked in the face and throat more than once over the next few hours, but still I can't complain!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Search through Craigslist
Candidate should look really presentable and also willingness to help and grow. Looking for a really smart, presentable candidate who can not only answer phones in a pleasant voice but do the following additional duties. Candidate has to demonstrate willingness to assist the owner in all areas. Looking for a multi tasker. Candidate should have excellent communication skills and willingness to learn and grow. If you aspired to be a model, love to work in an internationally diverse firm, interested in assisting the business in all areas.. of professional and personal duties. (answering phones, running errands occassionally, ensuring visitors are served in fine bone china, coffee and drinks, keeping the kitchen stocked, assisting in filing, maintaining the office by ensuring all aspects of the office function smoothly , being in charge of supplies, copiers, faxes, telephones, computers, helping in travel booking for the owner, ensuring corporate lunch is served in a professional fashion. Are you a person focussed on excellence and attention to detail? Then if you are, then email us a paragraph of who you are and your ideas to schedule an interview. We are looking for someone presentable, dynamic, efficient so as to give our organization a wonderful "first impression" of excellence, sophistication and class. Basic knowledge of computers is a must... Email/Internet/Word... Do you know how to work with apple?
And what caught my eye was the emphasis on being "presentable". Now as a former receptionist I know that looking good is definitely key. Sadly we are a society that judges by appearance, but this ad REALLY rings the alarm bells. It talks about how you need to be "really presentable" and "aspired to be a model". so not only do you need to be computer literate, attention to detail, be dynamic and have a great speaking voice - but MODEL GOOD LOOKS are also key. Somehow I get the feeling that the MAN (yes, I'm making a stretch and assuming the writer is a MAN), is looking for eye candy who can do all his dirty work and for the low, low price of $10 an hour. Yup, he wants model good looks at $10 an hour. Good luck to him I say!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Need to Establish a Work Out Routine
5:30am - wake up and take shower
5:50am - in bathrobe I make about 5 bottles for Nathan and put them in the fridge so they are ready for Jeff to take to daycare
6:00am - get Nathan up, changed, and fed while Jeff showers.
6:15am - 6:45am - make-up, dress, blow dry hair, grab lunch and out the door usually between 6:30am and 6:45am (I need to be at work by 7:30am)
7:30am - 5pm - work
5:30pm - 6pm - pick up Nathan from daycare
6pm - 7pm - get Nathan fed, bathed, and into jammies so he's ready for bed (though we don't give him a bath every night. I mean, he's 3 months old.. he doesn't really get dirty.)
7pm - 7:45pm - help Nathan go to sleep. My routine consists of lots of cuddles, swaddling, and a pacifier. I keep the lights low, the white noise machine on, and I lie next to him and keep putting the pacifier back in his mouth until he's sound asleep.
8pm - some sort of dinner
8:30pm - 11pm - I do a wide range of things. Sometimes I take Monty for a nice long walk, I work on my laptop, read a book, watch a show.. and get in bed ready to do it all again the next day.
No real time to work out. I COULD get up at 5am and do it, but I really don't want to. I am sooo over-ambitious when I SET the alarm the night before, but I haven't worked out in the morning yet. Help me out people, any suggestions???
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Newest Purchase

Why yes it is a DUCKY SWEATER!! How cute is this??? The woman selling these sweaters was like a hundred years old and she was adorable. She had sweaters of all sizes, colors, and they were beyond cute. I bought this one for Nathan, and my friend bought one for her daughter. Jeff, however, was not as thrilled with the sweater as I was. He thinks it's "therapy in the making" for Nathan. My feeling is there's only going to be a short time where I can dress Nathan in whatever I want with no feedback from him. So NOW is the time for ducky sweaters!!! Thoughts? Is this a cute sweater or am I just giving Nathan things to talk about when with his therapist?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My baby made it through his first week of daycare and apparently he's liking it because he comes home EXHAUSTED. I give him a bottle, we give him a bath and he is out cold. And he stays fast asleep until like 4am. So the daycare thing has definitely been harder on me than it has on him. And some of the hard things are:
1. Picking him up. While I'm ECSTATIC to see Nathan.. he's not really super excited to see me. He's usually really tired and/or hungry and my drive home consists of him passed out cold, or cranking for a bottle. Keep in mind that all daycare reports are of him behaving WONDERFULLY so apparently his Dr. Jekyll personality only comes out for me. Fabulous.
2. He goes to bed so soon. I don't want to force him to stay awake when he's so obviously tired, but that means he goes to bed now between 6:30pm and 8pm. So we really don't see much of him on daycare nights. And that sucks because at work I really do think of him a lot and I miss him bunches.
3. It stinks that I'm not as good at keeping Nathan occupied during the day as the daycare workers are. Yes I realize that part of the great thing about daycare is he is with OTHER BABIES, and obviously I can't provide that... it's just hard to thin that I might not be doing a good job with him when we're alone. I had joined a Mommy Group with the idea that I might actually go out and do things with other moms... but the group just disbanded. Sigh... I'll find another at some point, but that kind of sucked.
Anyway, it's a sniffly and sneezy kind of night and I have a feeling I'll be going to bed myself very soon!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Super Irritation
Some time ago the couple purchased two German Shepard puppies for the family. This raised alarms because Kate, the mom, was always completely OCD about the family and house being clean and puppies... well puppies have accidents. But the family got the puppies and are now... GIVING THEM BACK TO THE BREEDER.
See story here:
OMG does this piss me off like you would not believe. This family has MILLIONS of dollars. MILLIONS. And they are returning the puppies since apparently this former couple is too selfish to work together and come up with a solution for keeping them. Like maybe, hiring a dog walker. They can freakin' afford a dog walker to come three times a day, every day for the rest of the dogs' natural born lives, but instead. Dogs go bye bye. You know, having a pet is a COMMITMENT. It's hard work. And at times irritating and expensive. But that animal is completely and utterly dependent on you for EVERYTHING. Food, vet care, attention... you name it, that animal cannot get these things for themselves. They need us, their people, to provide them. And in return they give us unrequited love. It's a pretty fair trade, and the idea that a family is just returning their beloved family pets like a sweater makes me insane with rage.
Maybe I'm just really sensitive to this issue since I worked in an animal shelter and I saw pets given up for all sorts of awful reasons. One cat was given up because it didn't match the new sofa. Swear to God, that was the reason. Pets are not just for when its convenient for you. And for a public "personality" like these people to return their pets like it is nothing just burns me up inside.
Okay, stepping off my soapbox for the evening!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Early, early morning
Jeff: Effing raccoons. Those bastards are in the garbage, I can see them!
Me: Huh?
Jeff: Raccoons are in the garbage, little bastards woke me up.
Me: What?
Here's where Jeff goes downstairs and leaves me to wonder if the whole thing is a figment of my imagination. Nope, I hear the front door open and Jeff is outside turning on his car alarm which is parked next to our trash can. I shake myself awake, peer in at the oblivious Nathan and head downstairs. Together, Jeff and I walk outside and look to see if the raccoons have been scared off. We see nothing. The garbage has obviously been tampered with, the lid is off, and the bag has been ripped open. But no raccoon. Apparently it didn't enjoy having its little midnight snack interrupted. I was kind of bummed not to SEE the raccoon because I personally think they are adorable, but since Jeff was still thinking of ways to kill them, it was not in my best interest to mention how cute they are.
I also didn't mention that my sister and I used to feed the family of raccoons near our house. We'd leave them peanut butter and bread (on napkins so it wouldn't get dirty) and one night we tossed hot dogs out the window to them. My father had no idea that Karen and I were apparently hosting an all you can eat for free buffet for the raccoons of the neighborhood and did everything he could to discourage them. Alas his efforts were no match for our passion for baby raccoons! We fed them every chance we got!
I won't be doing that now because I suspect Jeff would NOT be happy. But I have thought about it. Meanwhile I've got to head outside and pick up all the garbage that was thrown everywhere, see, raccoons enjoy leftover Chinese food as much as I do!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Christmas Presents for EVERYONE

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sadness over Patrick Swayze Passing

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Favorite Guilty Pleasure
Now Jeff can put up with shows like "Say Yes to the Dress", but he draws the line at the shows about conjoined twins and the such. I wanted to watch the world's oldest conjoined twins (two brothers who actually supported their entire family with their work in a Carnival Side Show", and he absolutley drew the line there. He would NOT watch it, and in fact was so disgusted he refused to even be in the room with it on the screen. So I taped it to watch it later. I'm not quite sure WHY I love shows like this, and since there are so many of them on I suspect I am not the only one. I think I'm just really, really nosy and I like to know how other people live and I am fascinated by people overcoming challenges, and well.... I just like to watch them. I can't really justify it anymore than that.
Does anyone else find themselves addicted to TLC??? I promise I won't tell Jeff if you are!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Horrible, horrible day
I'm going to take you through my day by steps and you can all feel SOOOOO much better that your day did not suck ass like my own personal day.
1. Nathan did not sleep well. Yes, I realize he's only 3 months old and thus all bets are off with sleep, but he usually does a good 6-7 hour stretch and I've become rather used to that stretch and when I did NOT GET IT, I was a wee bit put out.
2. Of course we all know that Nathan, being my adorable and precious baby who can do no wrong, does not get the brunt of my anger. Oh no.. I save that for my HUSBAND! So Jeff tried to do something nice and took Nathan out of the bedroom around 6am and went downstairs so I could sleep in. (To be fair, Jeff was out last night with friends having drinks and BEING SOCIAL while I was home with Nathan, but still, it was nice of him to let me sleep).
3. I woke up a little past 6am to howling wind and torrential downpours when I remembered that our basement door was unlocked. It was unlocked because Jeff had put in a load of laundry last night and we hadn't brought it up. So I went tearing down the stairs and threw on a pair of sandals while I told Jeff I was going to lock the door and get the laundry. Apparently in my rush I was talking louder than I would normally and I woke up Nathan. This sparked a "discussion" between Jeff and I myself.
4. My package of "fat clothes" came in the mail and the jeans were a little snug. Let me underline that for you. I got clothes in sizes I have NEVER WORN IN MY LIFE and the jeans WERE TIGHT. This was not destined to put me in a good mood. I sausaged my ass into the jeans and went about my day.
5. Jeff and I spent $200+ on things for Nathan. Fun things like oh, diapers and wipes and formula and new bottles and God the excitement never ends! As a result we are broke, broke, broke and this of course makes me want to spend, spend, spend or eat, eat, eat which is why we are broke and I am fat - but I digress.
6. On the way home from Babies R Us I had "An Incident". Without going into too many details I suddenly, and urgently needed to use a bathroom. IMMEDIATELY. Did it matter that Jeff needed to pick up a prescription? Hell no. Did it matter that Jeff wanted to deposit a check to cover our spending spree mentioned earlier? Not in the least. I forced Jeff to drive home at breakneck speeds where I RACED to the bathroom and got there just in time. I left Jeff to bring in Nathan and the gazillion of bags and boxes that we had picked up at Babies R Us.
7. I made Jeff use the plunger on the toilet.
Anyone feel like telling me about their own horrible day?? You know, to try and make me feel better??? ANYONE???
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Love/Hate Relationship with Lottery Tickets
A Card
Two bags of jellybeans
4 scratch tickets ($5 each so a total of $20).
See, Jeff buys scratch tickets from time to time, and he will even occasionally buy a lottery ticket if he remembers to. Me? I'm not a big fan of the lottery. I kind of feel like it's a waste of money and that if I was going to buy lottery tickets I would be better off putting that money in a savings account. Of course I watch things like "The Lottery Changed my Life" and I want to run out and buy tickets because of course I fantasize about WINNING the lottery. But I almost always regret the purchase. I mean, if I DO win, it's like a dollar. And poor Jeff? The tickets I got him were complete losers. And I'm slightly annoyed I spent the $20 on the tickets and perhaps I should have got him a gift card to like Starbucks or something. At least than I wouldn't feel like I had thrown money down the drain.
What do you guys think? Do you play the lottery? If so, do you play often?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Neighborhood aka Party Central
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Why do I even bother?
Sick Day
I vacuumed the kitchen and living room
Pulled up our throw rug and vacuumed underneath it and put down a rug pad
Cursed at rug pad because it was too small but wound up using it regardless
Mopped kitchen floor
Took out trash
Ran laundry
And I also really, really miss my baby. See, Jeff took Nathan with him. Since birth, I do not recall being in the house without Nathan. Jeff has gone out a few times for karaoke and I've stayed home with Nathan, and I've gone out a few times without Nathan (okay, I think I've been out once without him), but for the most part I've had Nathan with me. He may be in the other room sleeping, but he's been with me. And I miss my baby. I really, really miss my baby. As a result I'm sitting here and staring at the clock and wondering just when Jeff and Nathan will get home so I can hold my baby boy. I can't rest, I can't relax, I just want my baby back.
My question is, is this normal?? I'm serious people, is this normal?? It's not like Nathan is with a stranger, and I'm not worried about Nathan. I just WANT HIM BACK. Someone please tell me I haven't gone insane, and feel free to lie to me if I have!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Holy Crap Check This Out!
Yes people, it's LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE!!!! The little blurb describing it says that the Leprechaun is trying to marry an ALIEN PRINCESS SO HE CAN RULE THE UNIVERSE. You KNOW I had to Tivo it. I am so excited to watch it, so excited. But now Jeff is saying he can't watch 4 without watching the other three.. that watching it out of order isn't going to work. My feeling is, it's a LEPRECHAUN MOVIE. What do you need to know?? Evil little leprechaun loses his pot of gold and kills people to get it back. The End. There's no PLOT... there's no ACTING... this is not Oscar nominee material. It's about a LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE.... Let's just start the Tivo and hit play!
But if I DO have to sit through the first three movies, I'll be sure to write about them so I guess it's a win/win situation all around!
Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh, and you dog lovers out there? Don't feel left out because there's one for you as well. I just couldn't copy the picture here for some reason. But feel free to take a peak at it on!
Being an Adult
- Boy I need new tires
- There can never be enough diapers in the house
- Maybe I'll save it for the oil bill
You know what?? Being an adult SUCKS!!! I miss my carefree blow all of it on a gorgeous pair of shoes and a facial days. Sigh...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Need for New Books to Read
I need help.
Please feel free to let me know what you guys are reading. Favorite authors, titles.. help me out people and give me something new to read!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Newest Idea
I'm actually kind of excited about this.. which is kind of sad in a way... but excited regardless. Feel free to leave me any tips you might have - I'm going to need them!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Annnoyance
I mention this because my birthday is coming up and my father is treating me to lobster. I love lobster but I hate, hate, hate the way they are killed. I actually didn't eat lobster for 29 years because I was traumatized at a young age by the whole lobster killing thing. See, my mother one day brought home live lobsters for dinner. A treat for the family, right? Well her mistake was letting the lobsters crawl around on the floor before sending them to the big lobster pot in the sky. My sister and I were delighted with the lobsters. We NAMED THEM. We seriously thought they were going to be our new pets and would live in our bathtub. Needless to say when my mother served them for DINNER we were not happy. My sister and I buried them in the backyard. We were NOT HAPPY. So I never ate lobster after that. But I met Jeff. Jeff LOVES lobster, loves it and eventually I tried it and got to like it. But I still don't like the whole boiled alive thing, and I refuse to pick out my own lobster since the whole idea seems so cruel. Lobster is a treat. Lobster can be killed by other people, and sometimes I make a suggestion that perhaps the lobster can be killed humanely by driving a knife through his little head. Of course people look at me like I am NUTS when I make this suggestion, but I still try.
The point of the story is that when I mention how upset the boiling alive thing makes me, someone will tell me how they saw some horrible other form of killing an animal in GRAPHIC DETAIL. Why?? Didn't I already mention that topics like that bother me? That I stopped eating pork for 5 years after watching "Babe"? Still the stories come.
Which also reminds me of something my Grandmother said to me once. In an effort to be nice, she gave me her old, vintage, and quite beautiful fur coat. Why did she give this to me? According to my grandmother giving me a fur coat was perfect because I "love animals". I shit you not people... I love animals = fur coat. I gave it to my sister and it looks fabulous on her.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sugar Intake
Staring at your child to see if he's about to start screaming
Holding your child in one hand while you attempt to eat with other (something you have to do because your child DID start screaming and this is the only way to calm him down).
Venture into the ladies' room to change a diaper and discover there is no changing table and instead have to take over the entire sink area forcing other patrons to just FREAKIN' WAIT TWO MINUTES WHILE I CHANGE MY HYSTERICAL BABY! Don't think there haven't been times where I've wished Nathan would pee on someone who was impatiently pushing past me to wash their hands.
So restaurants are not super easy for us right now and we tend to eat more take out if we do splurge. But back to the sugar, I was thinking that now that I have a child I should be more selective in my eating habits. You know, to model some good behavior for him and somehow I don't think my previous lunch of Diet Coke and Mint Milano cookies is something he should be duplicating. Right?? I mean, daycare probably would frown on that if I packed it for his lunch. Anyone else have any other suggestions for cutting down on their sugar consumption??
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Anyone? Anyone at all?
I guess it's just me.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Book Recommendations
Whenever I rant about these books invariably someone will ask me about what I think are GOOD books. So here I go:
Looking for a vampire love story? Try the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I haven't seen the show "True Blood" that its based on, but I love the series. Sookie is a strong heroine. She saves her vampire boyfriend more than once, she is an ADULT and there are actually sex scenes rather than a fade to black (though not so insanely graphic that you're embarrassed to read them on the train!). I've read all the way up to book 8, and I confess I'm not as thrilled with the series now but that's all my issue. I tend to lose interest in a series after awhile.. I feel like the author runs out of ideas.
Looking for a paranormal story that includes vampire and werewolves and the such? Two authors that I love are Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews.
For Patricia Briggs there is the Mercy series which is about a werecoyote and how she solves mysteries and is friends with werewolves and vampires and all sorts of cool magical entities. She's also a mechanic and supports herself and there's tons of sexual tension between her and two other werewolves, but not sex. It's a harder series to read in the sense that its not lighthearted, it's very REAL but it's extremely well written. There is also the Alpah and Omega series which is about two werewolves Anna and Charles and it's very good. It carries on with with the werewolf side of things that is started in the Mercy series. Excellent!
Ilona Andrews writes about a bad ass Mercenary named Kate who also happens to be the daughter of an incredibly evil man. She can do magic and she's strong, takes no BS and has a running romance with the alpha of the shifter clan. It's a completely alternate world but its well done, and while there is no sex (yet), there's enough sexual tension to keep things moving along. There are three books in the series so far and they are all excellent.. I already have the fourth on my list for Amazon even though it won't be published for a LONG time.
Okay, so you're looking for hot sex. I can help here as well! There's the Dark Hunter series written by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It's all about vampire hunters called Dark Hunters (natch!) and they hunt Daimons (who are like vampires, but not) and these Dark Hunters are immortal. They also have a soul mate and the books usually focus on the whole standard romance idea which is this scary ass, insanely good looking guy is scarred from the past and learns to trust and love and blah, blah.. the stories aren't that original to be honest, and after reading two books you've basically read them all so I stopped buying them, but the sex scenes are pretty hot. No cut aways here!
Next up is the Riley Jensen series by Keri Arthur. Riley is a half werewolf and half vampire and she works for an elite security like CIA place where they police and solve supernatural crimes. In this world werewolves are insanely promiscuous and its refreshing to read a heroine who has NO QUALMS about recreational sex. In the werewolf world here monogamy is not something they practice until they meet their "mate". And at that point they are monogamous. So the sex is hot and frequent but by book 4 I'm a little frustrated with her insanely awful choices in bedroom department. You would think that for someone who has so much sex, she would be better able to weed out the potential assholes. Not so. You can bet that if there's a controlling, two faced bastard out there she will have sex with him in about two seconds flat. I also get a little tired of the author continuously telling me about Riley's need for sex and why. I get it, I don't need it hammered over my head all the time. But they are a fun series even if you will be embarrassed reading it on the train!
So that's it for now, I'll write another entry about other books I enjoy that are not fantasy based but I thought this might help you all out for now!