Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ugh... Sick. Sick and had a lousy day at work. Just didn't feel like myself, you know? Where I kind of felt out of it and only half there. Very unmotivated. Jeff is out for the night at his monthly karaoke thing and I'm home and feeling LOUSY! I'm really, really hoping that Nathan sleeps for most of the night as I'm scared to death I'm going to get HIM sick.

My baby made it through his first week of daycare and apparently he's liking it because he comes home EXHAUSTED. I give him a bottle, we give him a bath and he is out cold. And he stays fast asleep until like 4am. So the daycare thing has definitely been harder on me than it has on him. And some of the hard things are:

1. Picking him up. While I'm ECSTATIC to see Nathan.. he's not really super excited to see me. He's usually really tired and/or hungry and my drive home consists of him passed out cold, or cranking for a bottle. Keep in mind that all daycare reports are of him behaving WONDERFULLY so apparently his Dr. Jekyll personality only comes out for me. Fabulous.

2. He goes to bed so soon. I don't want to force him to stay awake when he's so obviously tired, but that means he goes to bed now between 6:30pm and 8pm. So we really don't see much of him on daycare nights. And that sucks because at work I really do think of him a lot and I miss him bunches.

3. It stinks that I'm not as good at keeping Nathan occupied during the day as the daycare workers are. Yes I realize that part of the great thing about daycare is he is with OTHER BABIES, and obviously I can't provide that... it's just hard to thin that I might not be doing a good job with him when we're alone. I had joined a Mommy Group with the idea that I might actually go out and do things with other moms... but the group just disbanded. Sigh... I'll find another at some point, but that kind of sucked.

Anyway, it's a sniffly and sneezy kind of night and I have a feeling I'll be going to bed myself very soon!!!

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