You know how you just have a FEELING that you're going to have a bad day and that you should perhaps stay in bed with the covers over your head?? Today was one of those days.
I'm going to take you through my day by steps and you can all feel SOOOOO much better that your day did not suck ass like my own personal day.
1. Nathan did not sleep well. Yes, I realize he's only 3 months old and thus all bets are off with sleep, but he usually does a good 6-7 hour stretch and I've become rather used to that stretch and when I did NOT GET IT, I was a wee bit put out.
2. Of course we all know that Nathan, being my adorable and precious baby who can do no wrong, does not get the brunt of my anger. Oh no.. I save that for my HUSBAND! So Jeff tried to do something nice and took Nathan out of the bedroom around 6am and went downstairs so I could sleep in. (To be fair, Jeff was out last night with friends having drinks and BEING SOCIAL while I was home with Nathan, but still, it was nice of him to let me sleep).
3. I woke up a little past 6am to howling wind and torrential downpours when I remembered that our basement door was unlocked. It was unlocked because Jeff had put in a load of laundry last night and we hadn't brought it up. So I went tearing down the stairs and threw on a pair of sandals while I told Jeff I was going to lock the door and get the laundry. Apparently in my rush I was talking louder than I would normally and I woke up Nathan. This sparked a "discussion" between Jeff and I myself.
4. My package of "fat clothes" came in the mail and the jeans were a little snug. Let me underline that for you. I got clothes in sizes I have NEVER WORN IN MY LIFE and the jeans WERE TIGHT. This was not destined to put me in a good mood. I sausaged my ass into the jeans and went about my day.
5. Jeff and I spent $200+ on things for Nathan. Fun things like oh, diapers and wipes and formula and new bottles and God the excitement never ends! As a result we are broke, broke, broke and this of course makes me want to spend, spend, spend or eat, eat, eat which is why we are broke and I am fat - but I digress.
6. On the way home from Babies R Us I had "An Incident". Without going into too many details I suddenly, and urgently needed to use a bathroom. IMMEDIATELY. Did it matter that Jeff needed to pick up a prescription? Hell no. Did it matter that Jeff wanted to deposit a check to cover our spending spree mentioned earlier? Not in the least. I forced Jeff to drive home at breakneck speeds where I RACED to the bathroom and got there just in time. I left Jeff to bring in Nathan and the gazillion of bags and boxes that we had picked up at Babies R Us.
7. I made Jeff use the plunger on the toilet.
Anyone feel like telling me about their own horrible day?? You know, to try and make me feel better??? ANYONE???
Everyone could have done without #7. I could have done without the "discussion". And let's consider that I stayed out until the wee hours and STILL got up with Nathan at 6am to let you sleep. Go me!
That was a lot of information! ;-) I hope you are feeling better. Nothing worse than bathroom issues.
Now I'm curious (remember, non-parent speaking here): isn't Babies R Us sort of expensive? Can't you get most of that stuff at, say, Target or Walmart? Not that it won't add up to a chunk of change, of course, but maybe it might not be as much.
The "fat clothes." Yes, it's a horror to be in a different size. But remember that you just had a baby a few months ago and your body shape is different, for now. This isn't forever. Try to be kind to yourself. I think we need to go out and have a manicure or some other girly thing. Or maybe just have cocktails. What say you?
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