Every time I open my big mouth in some sort of judgemental or high and mighty statement it seems I am DOOMED to do the very thing that I swore up and down I would not. Before we had Nathan I SWORE I would not be one of those parents who kept the baby in the same room with them. Swore it. SWORE it. And while we have only caved TWICE on bringing him into bed with us, he still sleeps in the same room. In a co-sleeper. Even though he's 4 months old. And now that he's getting too big for the co-sleeper, am I thinking of transitioning him to his crib? No, I am thinking of how to keep him in the room with us. We have a pack n' play that I believe I have mentioned previously, and here he is really enjoying his pack n' play time:

And I am really, really considering having him just start sleeping in the pack n' play in our room. But the pack n' play doesn't really look designed for long term sleeping, and the mattress doesn't seem that great. So what's a mommy to do?? Does anyone have any suggestions?? I know we could move the crib up into our room, but frankly I am DREADING taking that puppy apart and moving it. It was NOT easy to set up and we actually paid extra to have the delivery people do it. Thoughts? Comments?? Feel free to share!
1 comment:
Eh...we can figure out how to move the crib. It's WHERE we would put it that I'm trying to figure out.
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