When Jeff and I got married we promised to love each other in sickness and in health. I had no idea that we'd be putting that to the test so soon. Saturday night Jeff and I went out with his cousins to celebrate my birthday, a little late. The night started out fun, and this is how it ended. In the ER at Beverly Hospital. No, Jeff did not snap and hit me. A freak accident led to the glass bulb of a standing lamp falling and hitting me ON THE HEAD. Glass was everywhere and I have cuts and scratches everywhere. The only real cut that we were worried about was the one that was millimeters from my eye, it led to stitches and a visit to Mass Eye and Ear to make sure my tear duct was not damaged. It was a LONG night - we walked in to Beverly ER at 11pm, and didn't get home until 9am. Oh it sucked. A lot. And I am so, so tired of medical issues, you just have no idea. I'll post the fun pictures a little later on!

OMG! I'm so glad you're okay!
Oh Katharine...you poor thing. I can't believe this, on top of everything else you've been through. It's like adding insult to injury. Please rest and take care of yourself these next few days.
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