First up, PAJAMAS! He actually got me the same brand of pajamas I had gotten myself a few weeks earlier so I have TWO PAIRS of nice, non-ratty looking, and very flattering yet still comfortable pajamas! YEAH! The brand is "Alfani" and I wish I could find some pictures but Macy's won't let me save pictures from their site, so here's the link:
Next up, he got me "Enchanted" on DVD, one of those cute little Disney movies that I tend to watch when he's out of the house and I have a pint of ice cream. And of COURSE I watch it the way I want to watch it - meaning I fast forward through the parts I don't like to get to the parts I do like!

He also got me the newest Slipknot CD "All Hope is Gone" and I've got it in my car to listen to full blast with the windows rolled down! "Pyschosocial" is my favorite song so far!
And since I am completely addicted to my Sims, he also got me the Sims Ikea update which allows me to furnish my Sims housing with Ikea furniture and the like. Not to mention I just went to the REAL Ikea this past weekend with my friend Joy and was completely overwhelmed by the people and stuff, I think the Sims pack is more my speed!
Last, but not least, he got me bubble tape. I love, love, love Bubble Tape!
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend - we actually had some gorgeous weather as well! Just for my birthday of course! ;-)
1 comment:
There's still one more present to go...if only the stores would stock their crap on time. New release Tuesday means they're supposed to release the merchandise on TUESDAY. Stupid Best Buy and Target.
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